Book Review, Novel : GREED LUST ADDICTION!

Materialism is the mantra of the modern generation whose motto is to eat, drink and be merry, says Ravi Dabral, author of GREED LUST ADDICTION, a novel that explores the journey of an investigative and idealist journalist based in the Uttarakhand state of India.
“This philosophy of eat, drink and be merry gives rise to greed, lust and addiction which are vices within us. As against this, spiritualism believes in having virtues, values and morals to live a contented, stress-free and purposeful life,” says Ravi Dabral, adding that the novel thrillingly reveals the mysteries of the corrupt material world and looks into the life of a journalist who believes in following the virtuous, righteous and spiritual path in life.
This philosophy gives rise to ‘greed, lust and addiction’ which are vices within us. As against this, spiritualism believes in having ‘ virtues, values and morals’ to live a contented, stress-free and purposeful life.
GREED LUST ADDICTION, a novel by upcoming novelist and Singapore-based professional Ravi Dabral, is dedicated to the farmers, armed forces, teachers, senior citizens, women and students.
It also tries to fathom a society dominated by corrupt politicians, unscrupulous greedy businesspersons, puppet media, insensitive police and bureaucracy and even a biased judiciary.
The author — who is winner of International Man of Excellence Award for Education, Corporate & Social Services and who has more than 25 academic and professional qualifications – tries to investigate, through the novel, whether a journalist can survive in the midst of the power and money hungry lobbies.
GREED LUST ADDICTION is also a novel with lots of twists, turns, conflicts, romance, emotions, drama, suspense, thrill and action.
What else can we expect from an academic who has multiple post-graduate qualifications in economics, political science, law, commerce and so on! Ravi Dabral, who was born in Uttarakhand, India, is also author of a non-fiction book, SECRETS OF A HEALTHY, WEALTHY & HAPPY LIFE.
To know more about Ravi, you can visit his website: or write to him at:
Publisher: Notion Press, Chennai, India
Copyright: Ravi Dabral (all rights reserved)
ISBN: 978-1-68466-367-5
Price: Not mentioned.