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A Samaritan n Sr neuro surgeon bear Rs 2.5 lakh expenses n conduct successful surgery of the backbone of a hapless 19 yr old girl

There is no dearth of generous, ambivalent and open hearted Samaritans in our society. We only need to keep our eyes open and appreciate as well and imitate their good deeds in our own lives to earnestly help the deserving, needy and the one in immense financial jeopardy expecting our support, if we can.

Such samaritans or philanthropists, in whatever good way or in limit they can help the genuine needy at the time of real critical time is the concrete timely solution that accords a new lease of life to the anguished and distressed.

According to social activist Neeraj Hairiya, a hard lucked nineteen year old hapless girl, who had unfortunately lost her parents during her childhood, studying in 2 nd year , depending on her hapless old grandmother in Dhumakot, Pauri Garhwal district, was grievously injured in a jungle on 12 May 2021 while she had gone there to fetch grass( fodder) for pet animals.

She got slipped away in a gorge. The girl’s backbone was severely fractured resulting in her being completely confined to bed not able to walk n move around.

She was bed ridden in acute pain, for several days. As the hapless and poor girl’s condition deteriorated she was taken to Ram Nagar hospital devoid of any neurosurgeon further resulting in deterioration in her health condition.

But it is usually said that the Almighty sends the messengers of love and affection to help the needy and this is what has happened with severely injured orphaned Priya Rawat.

A Kotabagh resident who is also a social activist took serious notice of her namely Kamal Joshi. On his request his close acquaintance Yogesh Joshi took the initiative and immediately took the girl to Vivekanand Hospital in Mukhauti, Haldwani on 20 th May, 2021.

The girl was adequately treated and successful surgery performed on her on 21 st May by senior surgeon Dr. Mahesh Sharma. What is the most laudable part of this surgery of Priya Rawat was, on hearing her genuine woes, being an orphaned girl and everybody coming to her rescue, the senior surgeon himself bore the expense of Rs one lakh in addition to operating her successfully, giving her new lease of life.

The rest of Rs. 1.5 lakhs was paid by Yogesh Joshi. The jubilant Priti was discharged from Vivekanand Hospital after his successful surgery with post medical care to be looked after her ( Samaritan )patrons Joshi Ji who’d come to the rescue of the grievously injured girl like God send messenger, who not only got her operated immediately but also bore her part expense of Rs. 1.5 lakhs apart from other expenses.

Thanks to them and gratitude to their parents who’d given birth to such a generous, kind hearted and helping natured son like Yogesh Joshi. God be with him n his family always. Good luck Preeti.

pics : Social media

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  1. समाचार संक्षिप्त में हो

  2. Priya Rawat was blessed to receive such a fateful service from the messangers of all Divine’s powers, Joshi family and and the great saviour Dr Mahesh Sharma, the surgeon, who not only saved the life of hapless orphaned girl but cited extra humanity by contributing Rs one lakh towards the surgery cost. Thanks, dear Sunil ji for penning & sharing a wonderful information at your news portal.

  3. I have read the incident through another source as well. I always felt Doctors are like God but so much negativity spread (at times true) about this profession and for that matter overall corruption, one really get sidelined with genuineness.
    It is the destiny of Preeti that God send his angels Dr Mahesh Sharma and Dr Yogesh Joshi for her help to bring her out of this trauma. Our best wishes to her and big salute to both the Dr’s. 💐🙏
    This comment has been sent by former Air vice admiral Sir in my WhatsApp outside the link

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