Three books of Prof. Upendra Rao, JNU are released in New Delhi

Under the joint auspices of Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts and Indian Council for Cultural Relations Delhi, three books on Pali and Buddhist literature authored by the eminent writer and senior JNU Professor Dr. C. Upendra Rao were released today at the Samvet Auditorium IGNCA. The names of three books are-
- Essentials of Pali: Language and Literature,
- The Spread of Buddhist Thought
- Vajirasara
These three books are based on Pali and Buddhist studies, which are released by the most venerable Buddhist monk Shri Ling Rimpoche H. H. Kyabje Yongzin, and the special guest most venerable Jado Rimpoche (the renowned Buddhist Guru from Tibet), and Bhadant Dhammapiya (the Secretary general of International Buddhist Confederation) and Dr. Vinay Sahasrabuddhe, the President ICCR and Member-Secretary of IGNCA Prof. Sachidanand Joshi.
The programme began with the lighting of the lamp and Buddha vandana, simultaneously with the prayers of the Theravada and Tibetan Mahayana monks. After that, the author Professor C. Upendra Rao presented a brief description of the three books. He explained how Buddhist thought emerged from India and established itself on the global stage.
Dr. Vinay Sahasrabuddhe, the president of ICCR, who was the most distinguished guest, has praised Prof. Upendra’s contribution and described the content of the books, that they are special in the Pali filed.
Chief Guest Bhante Ling Rimpoche (HH Kyabje Yongzin), Special Guest Bhante Jado Rimpoche, another distinguished guest Bhadant Dhammapiya (Secretary general of International Buddhist confederation ) and most distinguished guest Dr. Vinay Sahasrabuddhe, President, ICCR, the host, IGNCA Member-Secretary Prof. Sachidanand Joshi and Dr. Yogesh Sharma; gave their appreciations to Prof. Upendra and emphasized on enriching Pali Buddhist studies in India.
The overall program was held under the guidance of Dr. Ashish Bhave, the distinguished organiser.
The programme was attended by Dr. Anirban Das, the Director of the NMM, Ms. Nadya, a representative of Russian Buddhism, Ms. Sahana Singh, Indic scholar from the US, Prof. Dr. Susmita Vyas, associate professor, Dr. Kishan, assistant professor, Dr. Sharda Gotam assistant professor from Delhi University, research scholars from JNU, many other scholars and students from various institutions were present on the occasion.
The vote of thanks was delivered by Dr. Mayank Shekher from Kalakosha division of IGNCA .
The programme ended with a national anthem.