A portrait of eminent Urdu journalist and writer Maulvi Muhammed Baqar who was brutally martyred by the then British imperialists by tieing him to the cannons near Delhi gate in 1857 where two sons of the last emperor were also brutally killed , was unveiled at the conference room of Press Club of India by the Janata Dal ( United) chief secretary general, former Rajya Sabha MP, national spokesperson K. C. Tyagi and senior journalist, president of Press Club of India Gautam Lahiri in the presence of the Ms Rana Safavi, eminent historian, the fourth generation direct descendants of martyred eminent Urdu Journalist Moulvi Abdul Mohammed Baqar, Asra Masavi, Faculty AMU Aligarh, Ms Tarana Hussain, Food historian, Rampur and Mohammed Hidayatullah, chairman, Delhi Congress social media.
Good number of journalists, writers, intellectuals and social activists were present on this occasion.
Speaking at length the chief general secretary of Janata Dal ( United) K. C. Tyagi while paying his richest tributes to the 160 year old martyr during the era of mutiny of 1857 who started his Dilli Urdu Akhbar in 1837 and continued its publication till his martyrdom covering all the important events of the mutiny against the imperialist British wondered why and how come, that such an iconic personality of Urdu media was left unremembered for 160 protracted years despite his such a great martyrdom?
The Janata Dal ( United) leader said that he did not find any difference between the martyrdom of the eminent Urdu journalist Moulvi Mohammed Baqar and eminent freedom fighter Lala Lajpat Rai who both were brutally killed while protesting against the then British imperialism for their most barbaric acts against the people raising voice demanding freedom from their deadly clutches.
Janata Dal ( United) leader K. C. Tyagi said that the martyrdom day of both the iconic personalities of our freedom struggle Lala Lajpat Rai and Maulvi Mohammed Baqar who martyred themselves fighting the British should be remembered together as they despite hailing from different communities maintained brotherhood, unity and fought for the same cause to free India from the shackles of the neo colonialists.
Lauding the initiative of Press Club of India and its president Gautam Lahiri for taking up cause of the most noble and iconic first ever Urdu journalist famous for spot reporting during the mutiny of 1857 against the Britishers and publishing articles and news supporting the freedom fighters, revolutionaries and independent struggles against the British Empire not caring for any dire consequences finally meeting the brutal death at the hands of the British by being tied to the cannon and brutally killed , Janata Dal leader K. C. Tyagi said that he is feeling immensely proud and privileged to share this important stage and addressing the august gathering remembering eminent martyred first Urdu journalist Maulvi Mohammed Baqar.
The president of Press Club of India Gautam Lahiri while expressing his immense reverence and paying tributes to Maulvi Mohd Baqar said that the Press Club of India have been always forthcoming to remember such inspiring personalities who had sacrificed themselves while pursuing journalism with the sole aim to oppose the imperialist British and spread the flame of freedom struggle at the pan India level using the mighty pen as a sword to demoralize the enemy forces.
Gautam Lahiri said that he would be happy if an Urdu coaching is commenced in press Club in the near future and he will be the first student to learn Urdu urging one and all to come forward to learn it.
He also assured Mr. Asif, fellow senior journalist to discuss his proposal to start three awards in honour of eminent journalist Shaheed Maulvi Mohd Baqar with the managing committee of Press Club of India in the near future.
He said that Press Club of India would always welcome the Urdu journalists with open arms in Press Club of India and would urge them to visit here mixing with other journalists frequently.
The eminent historian Rana Safavi thanked the Press Club of India president Gautam Lahiri and its managing committee for unveiling the portrait of eminent martyred Urdu Journalist Mr. Baqar in the Press Club conference Hall and remembering him since the last few years.
Terming Shaheed Maulvi Mohammed Baqar as the first ever leading journalist who highlighted the every event of freedom movement in Delhi including the 1857 sepoy mutiny ready to face the severe consequences of the then dreaded Britishers finally being brutally and most barbarically killed after being tied to the cannon, historian Rana Safavi said that all the Urdu newspapers of 1857 and before should be researched minutely and all the important events of that era be translated and brought to the knowledge of the people today so as to inspire our younger generations of their predecessors’ sacrifices including making people aware about the historical developments of those times.
Others who spoke in this occasion were the direct fourth generation descendents namely Ms Azra Mosavi, Faculty, AMU Aligarh, Mrs Tarana Hussain , Food historian , Rampur and Social Media In charge of Delhi Congress Mohd.Hedayatullah etc.