Tibet earthquake toll increases to 95 and 130 injured , many of them severely

The dreaded earthquake of Western China’s Tibet has till now taken the toll of 95 people with more than 139 injured.
Till morning when it erupted the total figure of casualties was 53 only. Among the injured majority of them are severely injured admitted in various hospitals.
According to the China Network Earthquake Centre the earthquake that occured at 9.30 A.M was measured 6.8 on Richter scale while the United States Geological Survey report measured it 7.1on Richter Scale.
However, the China’s governmental media reports that 95 people have died in a 6.8 magnitude earthquake in Dingri County of Xizang city in Tibet.
More than 130 people are reported to be injured.
The epicenter of the earthquake was at 28.5 degrees north latitude and 87.45 degrees east longitude at a depth of 10 kilometers.
Earlier, the National Center for Seismology said that earthquake tremors were being felt in Xizang of Tibet region since Tuesday morning.
An earthquake of 7.1 magnitude occurred at a depth of 10 km here at 6:30 am.
According to the latest reports even in India several states felt the tremors and Bihar state was the most impacted of these dreaded tectonic upheavals.
In addition some parts of Assam, Sikkim and West Bengal too felt these tremors. In some parts the people in panic came out running if their buildings and houses.
According to United States Geological Survey report the epic centre of this earthquake was on the North side 93 kilometres away from Labuche.
According to the seismologists there are seven Eurasia plates inside the earth which continuously revolve .
Where these plates hit or clash more it is called the joint fault line.
Repeated clashing of these plates lead to its corners being bend or damaged. When the pressure enhances to the hilt the corners are damaged leading to destruction of massive scale.
The energy wants to come out of the earth in the form of earthquake. Then disturbance occur and earthquake of good magnitude comes forth.
The epic centre of the tectonic upheavals/ earthquake means that area under which the tectonic plates clash creating tremendous energy coming out.
The vibration of the earthquake at this area or point is maximum. The more the distance of the vibration goes further ( far from the epic centre) the tectonic upheavals impact decreases. However if the earthquake is of the scale of 7 on the Richter scale its impact through tectonic upheavals is more within the 40 kilometre area. If the earthquake from the epic centre is upwards than the impact will not spread much.