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The great Khali’s mother dies at 75 in Ludhiana hospital

The 75 years old mother of ” The Great Khali” WWE champion for several years Mrs. Thandi Devi has expired in a hospital in Ludhiana Sunday night. She was under treatment in Dayanand Medical College and hospital at Ludhiana suffering from breathing problem leading to multiple vital organs becoming non functional. International wrestler and former world champion of WWE popularly known as the great Khali is in actuality DALIP SINGH RANA. He primarily hails from Himachal Pradesh and was working as a labourer breaking stones on daily wages three decades ago n later on as a security guard in Shimla to feed his large family of seven siblings n parents. A senior police officer in Punjab saw his extraordinary height and physique n was extremely impressed. He offered the job of a police officer in Punjab Police in 1993 at Jullandhar and gave him adequate wrestling training, finally selected for specialised training in US. Born in 1972 in Dhairana village in Sirmaur, Himachal Pradesh to Heal Ram and Tandi Devi, Dalip Singh Rana under the assumed name of Giant Singh first of all became a professional wrestler for All Pro Wrestling in US making his first appearance in October 2000. In 2001 Rana came to San Francisco n signed contract with World Championship Wrestling spending eight months. From 2001 to 2002 he participated in New Japan Pro Wrestling championships. Starting in 2002 he also wrestled in Maxican promotion CMLL n Japanese promotion AJPW until 2006. On 2nd January, 2006 Rana became the first Indian professional wrestler of WWE ( World Wrestling Entertainment. He created quite a sensation when he defeated the globally renowned world champion in free style wrestling UNDERTAKER. Dalip Singh Rana aka The Great Khali is an India born American professional wrestler, wrestling promotor n Actor popularly known as The Great Khali, weighing 157 kg n Height of 2.16 metres. He is credited to have acted in four Hollywood and two Bollywood movies. He is running a training academy for budding wrestlers in Jullandhar currently on several acres of land.

Featured pic: Aaj Tak

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