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Tete a Tete with former union education minister and Haridwar MP Dr. Ramesh Pokhriyal Nishank

The former union minister of Education and member of Parliament from Haridwar seems to be very excited about the New Education Policy launched by him during his tenure as the union education minister. Extremely jubilant Dr. Ramesh Pokhriyal Nishank while speaking to the editor of UKNationnews at his Tuglak Crescent residence today said that even the chiefs of Cambridge University and other foreign universities lauded the NEP-21 launched during his tenure terming it as a game changer in the education sector. Responding to the questions posed by Sunil Negi of UKnationnews former union education minister said that not only has this NEP opened a new chapter for the rural students of primary and middle classes to pursue education in their local dialect but has also opened doors for students of engineering n medical science to pursue their studies in regional languages of their choice. He however, clarified that there in no bar for any student pursuing higher studies in the languages of their choice like English or hindi in higher education or in IIT, Medical science or engineering. An author of several books on Uttarakhand himalayas, local dialects, pious river Ganges and other literary subjects former Uttarakhand CM and former education minister Dr. Nishank Pokhriyal who also has to his credit producing a Garhwali film says that even the prime minister Narendra Modi has patted him for the New Education Policy in the recently held national executive meeting of the BJP in Hyderabad including the health policy of 2017 terming them as highly laudable and worth praising by one and all. On the voices being raised by the concrete land act of Uttarakhand he catagorically criticised his own previous Uttarakhand governments of breaking the ceiling on 12.5 acres of land purchase for outsiders businessmen and buyers saying that in order to safeguard and protect the demography if Uttarakhand it is mandatory that a new concrete land act should be brought into force revoking the old land act that gives power to outside buyers to purchase as much of land they can in Uttarakhand.

He said : Uttarakhand has the forest cover of 71% n rest plain areas. Therefore, there is already shortage of land and as such this genuine concern needs to be addressed in wider interest of the people and the state. Speaking on inclusion of the plain areas of Haridwar and Uddham Singh Nagar etc in the new state of Uttarakhand Dr. Ramesh Pokhriyal Nishankh said that he was badly criticized for the inclusion of these was plain areas in Uttarakhand un the past but want to clarify that had we not included these plain areas in the hilly state how would have we been successful in generating the income of the state keeping in view the fact that that there are hundreds if industries and economy generating sources in these cities including more than three hundred rice mills etc. Looking frail but quite healthy, on being asked about his health he said that he is quite fit and active as before and is cooperating the government and the new eduction minister at the centre in the implementation of the New Education Policy. Emphasising on the people’s participation in the democratic process while implementing the NEP 21 Dr. Pokhariyal said that in order to make this new education policy people friendly he sought more than five lakh views from all over the country before implementing it. On being asked that he was relieved of the responsibility as union education minister too early before the NEP could be fully implemented Dr Pokhriyal said that he is still helping the new education minister in this regard and has the full blessings of prime minister Narendra Modi. He adds that NEP will help regain its live for mathematics because the applications of Mathematics are extensive and diverse and by introducing the multidisciplinary curriculum and credit based mechanism, it provides flexibility to students to apply their knowledge. He also dwelt on several other plus points of the NEP. Apar from this, there are reports that probably he may be given the new responsibility as the president of Uttarakhand BJP, but these are unconfirmed reports as one date.However, political analysts say that Dr. Ramesh Pokhriyal Nishank can’t sit idke for long without any responsibility and there are possibilities of his taking over as the new president of Uttarakhand in the near future. There are reports that the Uttarakhand CM Pushkar Singh Dhami had met him yesterday in his Delhi residence which definitely give rise to such speculations reveal sources. At the end of this interview he presented me his book titled : Regaining India’s Glory based on the NEP in particular highlighting it’s various positive aspects.

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