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Sounds interesting Dr. Harak Singh Rawat says Modi charisma was paramount in Uttarakhand, but electorates annoyed with sitting lawmakers. Harish Rawat n Harak Singh confident of winning with 40 seats

With the counting date 10 th March still quite far and the country’s largest state, Uttar Pradesh still going to polls, the talks and discussions about which party is to lead in this election in Uttarakhand are still going on in houses, work places, tea stalls, restaurants, buses, trains and even in social media with print and electronic media writing tremendously on the people’s opinion.

In social media and in various poll surveys still going on there have been different claims and predictions with no political analyst in a clear position to come out with perfect results with everyone in ambiguity.

In most of the debates, discussions and conversations the common version coming out is that both the national parties are still in a neck to neck competition with BJP and Congress gaining nearly same number of seats with independents, AAP n BSP becoming the important parties deciding the fate of either of the national parties viz BJP or Congress .

Conclusively, a hung assembly seems to be in the offing as per the blurred predictions of news analysts and reporters.

However, as usual the BJP and Congress, despite being on a defensive mode are claiming to form their respective governments securing landslide victory at all costs.

While, the chief minister of Uttarakhand Pushkar Singh Dhami is repeating his earlier claim of crossing sixty seats, the Congress leaders Harish Rawat and Dr. Harak Singh Rawat are claiming to win this election accompanying forty odd seats in the 70 member assembly.

However, one interesting statement came from the former cabinet minister in Dehradun today that the craze of Prime minister still existed in Uttarakhand during elections despite the very fact that the electorates were annoyed with the sitting lawmakers of BJP.

He however claimed that Congress is winning positively, bringing 40 seats.

This statement sounds to be hypocritical say news analysts as on the one hand the seasoned leader of Uttarakhand infamous for repeatedly changing parties Dr. Harak Singh Rawat who has recently joined Congress not getting the Congress ticket though his former beauty queen bahu obliged, says that the Modi craze was tremendously a significant factor during this election but people were annoyed with the sitting BJP MLAs. They question what does it mean? Is the Congress losing or winning ? However, Dr. Rawat has no specific answer, except repeating a, stereotype answer that Congress is winning 40 seats.

The statement of Dr. Rawat while responding to media sounds to be a purely diplomatic, as if Modi’s image carried charisma n craze among voters in Uttarakhand, that means BJP is winning hands down. But he also claims that Congress is winning by forty seats at the hustings the polling of which has taken place on 14 th February. He unambiguously claims that it’s forming the government.

This obviously indicate that the Congress leader is still doubtful about his party’s victory, not able to state clearly about Congress’s victory despite sky rocketing inflation, changing of three CMs, massive unemployment, massive migration making villages empty, mis – governance etc .

On the other hand the chief election strategist of Uttarakhand Congress, Harish Rawat who still claims that the his party is winning with forty seats has openly admitted that he’s not going to be the Uttarakhand CM leaving this decision on the central party high command.

This is a statement against his own claim of becoming the next CM of Uttarakhand in a statement come what may, given by him few days ago in which he had said that ” I will be the next Uttarakhand CM Or will prefer to sit at home, if his demand does not materialise”. Not only he, but the leader of the opposition Pritam Singh too has made it absolutely clear that the election of the next Congress CM will be decided by the central High command as till now no name has been finalised officially.

Sounds ridiculous that a leader of the stature of Harish Rawat whose prime aim is to become the next state CM in 2022 if his party comes to power, has now backed out.

Harish Rawat made this revelation at Rudrapur today while addressing a press conference answering to the queries of curious journalist who reminded him of his earlier statement about claiming to be the next CM of the hilly state.

Speaking to reporters Harish Rawat confidently said that Congress is bringing forty seats by all means and forming its government, though he had also expressed his apprehension about possible tempering with the EVM machines by those in power.

Such a zig zag attitude of both these leaders of Congress catagorically reveals that they too are confused about the future results to be revealed on 10 March, especially in the context of Congress winning this election.

Meanwhile, the news are also floating that BJP CM Dhami and the state president Madan Kaushik including some senior state leaders were summoned to Delhi after they received reports of hostilities and not so good performance of the party in Uttarakhand at the hustings.

There are reports of these leaders having been taken to task by senior leaders in Delhi.

It may be recalled that one of the many dissatisfied leaders of BJP and those who could not bag tickets had contested as rivals badly affecting the winning chances of ruling party candidates in several constituencies, turning hostile with BJP candidate of a Haridwar seat Sanjay Gupta openly accusing the state president Madan Kaushik of allegedly working against him n other BJP candidates through his cronies, to ensure their defeats.

He had openly accused Madan Kaushik after the election saying that had he come out in the open during election campaigning against Kaushik the party candidates of other Haridwar seats including his seat would have faced negative consequences.

Hence he kept quite then, fearing adverse consequences from party workers n electorates. But after the elections concluded he he highlighted this reality in the media as he could not tolerate the injustice done to him and other party candidates during election by, state BJP chief Madan Kaushik said Sanjay Gupta, the BJP candidate from one of the Haridwar seats while speaking to media.

Kindly, recall that in view of existing tremendous anti incumbency trend in Uttarakhand, the prime minister Narendra Modi addressed five public meetings with announcements of various developmental projects including opening of medical colleges and 2nd AIIMS at Haldwani.

The Union home minister Amit Shah addressed several meetings at Sahaspur, Dehradun and Haridwar, also participating in Ganga Arti etc, the Union defence minister addressed several meetings at Dehradun and Tehri, Garhwal with another minister Nitin Gadkari addressing public meetings at Khatima and Haridwar. The three CMs Shiv Raj Singh of Madya Pradesh, Himanta Biswa Sarma of Assam and Uttar Pradesh CM Yogi Adityanath also addressed several meetings in different parts of Uttarakhand rapping Congress n Harish Rawat for appeasing minorities, declaring holiday for Namaaz, establishing university for minorities, and implementing uniform civil code if BJP returns back to power in the state whereas Congress leader Rahul Gandhi and Priyanka Gandhi too addressed well attended public meetings at Dehradun, Khatima and Srinagar, Garhwal.

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