Uttarakhand Samanta Party demands delimitation on the basis of geographical aspects not in population basis !

The president of Uttarakhand Samanta Party Dr. V.K.Bahuguna addressed a press conference at Parade Ground, Dehradun today regarding the regional party’s proposed rally to be held on the issue of delimitation that is reducing the people’s representation in the hilly areas of the Himalayan state.
The president of USP Dr. V.K.Bahuguna , an eminent writer and the retired principal secretary to the Tripura Government and formerly DG environment at the centre said that they will submit a memorandum to the prime minister Narendra Modi through the district magistrate Dehradun after the rally demanding giving representation to Hilly areas on geographical basis than on population basis giving adequate weightage to the people of the hills of Uttarakhand.
Citing the instance of four hilly region seats being reduced during the previous delimitation Dr.V. K Bahuguna said that if population oriented delimitation will be executed the number of state lawmakers of the hill region will further be reduced thus making mockery of the struggles and sacrifices made by 43 movement activists and thousands of people , women and men who were behind jails and suffered endlessly to achieve the separate Uttarakhand state.
Accusing the BJP and Congress for not at all caring for this issue though ruling in Uttarakhand turn wise during the last 25 years, Dr. B.K.Bahuguna said that the integrity of the hill states and their culture, especially Uttarakhand, can be ensured only when the representation of the hill areas is increased and thus justice done to them. Both the national parties, BJP and Congress, are not bothered about this. He emphatically said that Considering the need for population control, delimitation is also a matter of debate in the national interest.
It may be recalled that exodus from villages of Uttarakhand to cities, towns and metropolises have been tremendous with government and journalists giving different versions about statistics from five lakhs to thirty lakhs. However, the fact remains that hundreds of villages of Uttarakhand have become vacant with wild monkeys, bears and even leopards, tigers intruding into the rural human habitats ghastly killing good number of them. The lessening of the human population in the interiors of Uttarakhand have rendered the Uttarakhand assembly with less number of seats on every delimitation. Last time four Uttarakhand assembly seats in the interior of Uttarakhand have been reduced and the numbers increased in plains simultaneously thus throwing to wind the immense sacrifices made by 43 movement activists and thousands suffering in jails including the most undignified police inhuman treatment to our women and men including youths killing several of them while they were heading for Delhi to participate in a big Delhi Red Fort rally of Uttarakhand Kranti Dal.
आज 12 दिसंबर 2024 को परेड ग्राउंड देहरादून में उत्तराखंड समानता पार्टी द्वारा आयोजित प्रस्तावित रैली के संबंध में हमने एक प्रेस कॉन्फ्रेंस की।
2 हम प्रधान मंत्री श्री नरेंद्र मोदी जी को संबोधित एक ज्ञापन जिला मजिस्ट्रेट को सौंपेंगे जिसमें उनसे अनुरोध किया जाएगा कि वे उत्तराखंड और अन्य पहाड़ी क्षेत्रों में भौगोलिक क्षेत्र के आधार पर 70 प्रतिशत वेटेज देकर परिसीमन का आदेश दें। पिछले संशोधन के दौरान पहाड़ी क्षेत्रों में पहले ही 4 सीटें कम हो गई थीं।
- पहाड़ी राज्यों और उनकी संस्कृति की अखंडता विशेषकर उत्तराखंड की अखंडता तभी सुनिश्चित की जा सकती है जब पहाड़ी क्षेत्रों के प्रतिनिधियों को बढ़ाया जाए। दोनों राष्ट्रीय पार्टियों भाजपा और कांग्रेस को इसकी कोई परवाह नहीं है.
- जनसंख्या नियंत्रण की आवश्यकता को देखते हुए देशहित में परिसीमन भी बहस का मुद्दा है.