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Ramdev lauds Nehru Gandhi family and Bharat Jodo Yatra saying Rahul Gandhi is being discussed everywhere after the success of Bharat Jodo Yatra !

Renowned Yog Guru Ramdev and founder of Patanjali Yog Peeth who till now was the ardent rival of Congress and the Nehru Gandhi family often opposing the dynamic rule in the 137 year old grand party on Friday surprisingly came in support of the Gandhi family scion n former Congress chief Rahul Gandhi lauding him n the family and terming his Bharat Jodo Yatra as a great success. While speaking to a media channel Yog Guru Ramdev openly hailed Rahul Gandhi n Nehru Gandhi family saying that former PMs Jawahar Lal Nehru, Indira Gandhi, Sonia Gandhi, Rahul Gandhi all did yoga exercises daily and Rahul do Yoga and gym daily. Rahul’s Bharat Jodo Yatra is enticing large crowds and appreciation all around for which he is quite happy. Now, imagine, Rahul who once never got publicity, today his Bharat Jodo Yatra is making headlines which unambiguously mean that he is being discussed everywhere today. This denotes his Vijay Yatra for sure said Ramdev in a jubilant mode. While, the leaders of Bhartiya Janata Party are shocked on hearing the views of Ram Dev lauding Rahul Gandhi and his Bharat Jodo Yatra the Indian Youth Congress chief is not ready to appreciate the Yoga Guru posting his video in twitter and tweeting against him. He wrote in Hindi : Lalaji though we appreciate your statement, but your sins will not be washed still Sriniwas tweeted.

There are number of comments of Ram Dev’s utterances appreciating Rahul in social media. Rohan Gupa said now the political wind is changing. Nitin Aggrawal tweeted : the trends of Bharat Jodo Yatra have started coming. Now the ardent opponents are also hailing Rahul Gandhi. Bharat Jodo twitter handle posted a picture of Rahul Gandhi with youths in advocate attires protesting holding play cards in their hands with slogan WE NEED JOBS. The tweet says : Put youth need jobs. Our youth need leadership. Our youth needs hope.

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