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Rahul Gandhi hosts breakfast meeting to all opposition MPs n reaches parliament on bicycle along with several MPs against inflation

After the initiative of the TMC supremo and third time chief minister of West Bengal Mamata Bannerjee to revive the opposition unity efforts recently, the Congress leader Rahul Gandhi today met the leaders and MPs of almost all the opposition parties barring Bahujan Samaj Party at Delhi’s Constitution Club and went to parliament on bicycle along with over one hundred MPs, opposing and highlighting the sky rocketing inflation and petrol, diesal and domestic gas prices, holding play cards denouncing the government.

Over 100 members of parliament of various political parties have reportedly attended the breakfast meeting this morning hosted by Congress leader Rahul Gandhi who also addressed them highlighting the extreme inflation n petrol going above hundred rupees, urging the opposition leaders to unite despite differing on issues and ideologies.

After the meeting urging opposition MPs and leaders to unite at all costs, despite ideological differences, Rahul Gandhi and all the MPs cycled to parliament House holding play cards in their hands denouncing the central government, raising slogans as well. He categorically said : ” We should remember the foundation of unity and it is important that now we start to come up with the principles of foundation, “.

There was commotion at Rafi Marg, Constitution club when Rahul Gandhi n other MPs rode on their respective bicycles raising anti party slogans as hundreds of party workers and security forces/ commandoes gaurding them also ran with them alongside till parliament House with electronic channels media also following them side by side.

The non BJP opposition members of parliament who joined Rahul Gandhi’s unification meet at Constitution club were from Congress, Trinamool Congress, Shiv Sena, NCP, CPM, CPI, RJD, Samjwadi Party, Jharkhand Mukti Morcha, JKNC, Indian Union Muslim League, KCM and RSP etc. However, during the last meeting convened by Rahul Gandhi, the TMC leaders n MPs had skipped it. This time the BSP MPs didi nit attend this meeting.

It may be recalled that the Trinamool Congress chief and West Bengal chief minister Mamata Bannerjee is on a five day visit to Delhi after winning for the third time consecutively in her state again becoming the chief minister, though she had lost from Nandigram assembly constituency.

She had met the Congress interim president Sonia Gandhi and Rahul Gandhi at 10 Janpath including senior Congress leaders Kamalnath and Anand Sharma. She also met the NCP chief Sharad Pawar, AAP national convenor n Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal and other opposition leaders in her bid to unify them urging all the non opposition party leaders to come on one platform as it is the inevitable need of the hour.

On the first day of monsoon session of parliament Rahul Gandhi had while expressing his solidarity with the agitating farmers at Jantar Mantar reached parliament driving a tractor, demanding withdrawal of all the three agricultural laws terming them as anti farmers.

Several Congress MPs from Haryana and Punjab also accompanied him on this tractor, with a big banner fixed in front of it.

Later on the slogan shouting Congress general secretary n spokesman Randeep Singh Surjewala including IYC national chief Sriniwas BC n several Congress activists were arrested n ferried to Mandir Marg police station.

picture: Jansatta

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