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PM Narendra Modi lauds a Chandigarh based Chole Bhature seller in his “Man Ki Baar” Radio address

The prime minister Narendra Modi today in his radio adress to the nation in his monthly programme ” MAN KI BAAT referred the name of a chole nature seller of Chandigarh lauding him fir his self-driven initiative in motivating others to get themselves vaccinated against COVID-19.

During his address, the Prime Minister said that on suggestion of his daughter and niece, a food stall owner Sanjay Rana started feeding free chole bhature to those who had got the Covid vaccine.

The owner sells chole bhature on a cycle in Sector-29, Chandigarh and to have this meal for free, one has to show that one has got the vaccine administered on the very day, said Prime Minister.

He appreciated this effort and said that this act proves that for the welfare of the society, spirit of service and duty are required more than money.

According to the PIB Chandigarh tweet in Hindi # A gentle inspiring story of Sanjay Ranaji of Chandigarh

In order to eat free Chole Bhature you will have to show a proof that you have been vaccinated the same day. Showing the message of vaccination he will serve you delicious Chole Bhature – PM Shri Narendra Modiji tweeted PIB Chandigarh.

kindly recall that this open hearted Chole Bhature seller of Chandigarh has in order to spread the message of vaccination, offered to give free delicious Chole Bhature if anyone vaccinated would show him the proof of his or her having been vaccinated.

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One Comment

  1. No doubt, Mr.Sanjay Rana’s free Chhole-Bhature to vaccinated people on the same day is an appreciable task.

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