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Pauri Garhwal district’s govt Hospital handed over to Mahant Indresh hospital management in bad shape

While the Covid 19 fatalities are on the increase multiply the condition of the Pauri Garhwal district hospital is quite in jeopardy says news reports. The present saffron government has brought certain district hospitals including the Pauri govt Hospital on PPP mode giving the management to private Mahant Indresh hospital. The state govt’s logic was that handing over the full fledged govt district hospital of Pauri to the private hospital management on PPP mode will not only enhance its poor services to better for worst but will also give full justice to its poor patients of the surrounding villages n Pauri township by rendering advanced health services. But what is being witnessed today is something highly worrisome and shameful say the NSUI activists who’d visited it and spoken to the patients n their guardians in the Mahant Indresh hospital. On deeper investigation n talking to some suffering parents of an injured child on camera of JAGO UTTARAKHAND a highly shocking revelation made us hang out heads down in shame. The hospital run by Mahant Indresh under the PPP mode was not having the stitching thread to rectify the injured lips of the crying child said the parents who had to wait for hours together to Get the injured lips wounds of their infant stitched. Sounds shocking n traumatic. During these Covid times when people are dying of this dreaded pandemic the district hospital of Pauri doesn’t have stitches at their disposal. The district president of Pauri Garhwal NSUI Mr. Sagar has met the CMO and urged him to improvise the condition of Mahant Indresh hospital handed over to them under PPP mode failing which they will be constrained to protest. The hospital is in such a bad shape that all the tests are being recommended to private test labs putting financial burden on the poor n hapless patients. The tests are quite expensive not within the reach of the patients to pay. Questions are being asked by NSUI as to when will these jeopardised health services will improve to provide relief to the poor n hapless patients of Pauri Garhwal district? It may be recalled that the health services in Uttarakhand are in jeopardy with extreme shortage of doctors in the interior hospitals and health centres with several cases of deaths of patients and pregnant mothers having come to light. Al the politicians of Uttarakhand come to Delhi to seek better treatment when ill but the question is where will the poor, economically deprived patients of Uttarakhand head for during their critical illnesses to survive in the absence of good hospitals n ways n means to cure them at the time of their ill health condition ?

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