Professor Jaideep BARTHWAL
Known by the name of Osho or Rajneesh, Chandramohan Jain ( his real name) was born in village Kuchwada in Madhya Pradesh. Though the financial condition of his family wasn’t good but Osho was intelligent and sharp in studies since his childhood days.
Being always argumentative with hostile attitude had become part of his personality. He used to substantiate everything after logical arguments and then believe in it.
Argumentation had become the part of Rajneesh’s habit or routine and was once expelled from his school too.
After completing his education on philosophy he was appointed as professor in Jabalpur university but could not continue in service anywhere due to his attitude for being argumentative, hostile and his liberal controversial views on religion etc.
He thereafter started giving independent discourses.
After becoming popular and generating his good following of Indian and foreign disciples, Osho opened his Ashram in Pune but soon came into controversies due to his liberal views, compelling the then prime minister Morarji Desai during Janata Party rule to evict him from Pune compelling Osho migrating to Oregon in US with hundreds of his followers who further swelled in numbers in US too. In Oregon, U S , Osho and his disciples became controversial with local populace opposing him and his commune tooth and nail, especially because he was accused for influencing the local elections.
He came in direct confrontation with leading American leaders who too became politically worried finally ordered for his arrest for twelve days, evicting from US along with his hundreds of disciples. Even several European countries denied him asylum.
Rajneesh was seen as a threat by politicians in US and European countries thus not entertaining his request for asylum. He was considered a threat to their ongoing social system and structure with people following him in large numbers.
Osho though a liberal ideologue was inclined towards Indian religious philosophy, often talking about Lord Krishna, pious religious scripture Bhagwat Geeta as its great admirer, impressed by Lord Krishna’s ardent devotee Meera, and Octagon including Lord Budha whose ideology and principles tremendously impressed and adored him to the hilt.
He always bowed towards Lord Budha’s ideals and solely emphasised on meditation and meditation was the basic concept of his philosophy. He used to describe the episodes of Saint Rama Krishna and Vivekananda in his discourses very keenly.
However, his views were uniquely self contradictory. On the one hand he was the ardent believer of Bachelor Budha, on the other hand he was the proponent of enjoying all the colours of luxurious life.
While he favoured criticising taboos he was the strong proponent of principled meditation. He talks about existence of God while also believes in salvation.
He is not tired of admiring the views n qualities of Lord Budha and Mahavir who’d sacrificed material world but is not worried of leading a highly luxurious life style, himself.
There was self contradiction between his discourses and lifestyle. This very self contradictory attitude of his make Rajneesh controversial. Rajneesh looks like a professional seller of his knowledge in view of his luxurious life style.
Just like a commercial you tuber. But the moot question is, who is not commercialising their knowledge or intellect. Does a doctor or surgeon not earn through his or her specialisation or professionalism.
Are engineers, lawyers, CAs, musicians, pilot, singers, MBAs, writers, actors etc not exploiting their talents or profession to earn their livelihood.
Except the daily wage earners ( laborers) everyone is exploiting their specialisation to derive commercial ( monetary) advantage. Not even the priests, maulvies, judiciary etc are away from this fact. Then why keep Rajneesh on the other plank.
He too did what everyone is doing. He also sold his outstanding knowledge. What’s a big deal ? There can be a debate on this aspect of Rajneesh.
Where was he wrong or right can be discussed. Undoubtedly we can’t stand in support of the liberal views of Rajneesh but we can search and appreciate his invaluable views in his discourses.
His several discourses are such which can be assessed as highly motivational. His discourses on Ego especially futile ego ( AHANKAR) are surprisingly eye openers.
We can arrive at a fruitful conclusion by deriving knowledge of several world philosophies from his significant views n writings.
Author, professor Jaideep BARTHWAL
Translated by Sunil Negi