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Eminent journalist Prem Shankar Jha expresses concern over shrinking spaces for media and journalists’ freedom on World Press Freedom Day

New Delhi, May 4, 2023

Expressing his serious concern over the weakening of of freedom of press and free expression the veteran journalist and former editor Prem Shankar Jha said that shrinking spaces for media and journalists freedom is really worrisome and emphasised how really was it important for journalists to have access to parliament House and ministries. The veteran journalist was the other day addressing the journalists as one of the panelists at a panel discussion on World Press Freedom Day on the topic : Space For Media and, Journalists Freedom Shrinking.

A panel discussion was held at IWPC premises on the occasion of World Press Freedom Day.

The panelists included veteran journalist, economist and writer Prem Shankar Jha, Senior journalist Pamela Philipose, Press Club of India President, Umakant Lakhera and Columnist and Author Ashutosh.

The meeting was chaired by IWPC president Shobhna Jain.

While all panelists expressed concern about shrinking spaces for the media and journalists’ freedom, Prem Shankar Jha emphasized how important it was for the journalists to have easy access to Parliament house and ministries’. He also spoke on how the position of editors had been gradually weakened and lamented the weakening of the twin protection to journalists provided by bold Editors and the Working Journalists’ Act. He described present day Editors as “Managers’.

Ashutosh emphasized on how “ our rich diversity and civilisational heritage” was being taken over by the state. He said what is seen today “is not only a democratic but a “civilisational crises” where there is no freedom to question the government”.

According to Pamela Philipose, the present times signified “a time of great crises for journalists”. She said freedom of speech and expression are synonymous with democracy. She however expressed concern over the consolidation of the corporate media.

Umakant Lakhera said that “the government can be the biggest beneficiary of a free press as the free press could inform governments about their drawbacks and help them in taking corrective measures.” He added that unfortunately, the modus operandi today is to cut the supply line of information only”.

In a message to the IWPC, Chairperson of Press Council of India, Justice Ranjana Prakash Desai congratulated the IWPC for organising a discussion on press freedom. She said that it was the media which shaped public opinion. To ensure a credible democratic society, the media must address any challenges they face in performing their duties truthfully and responsibly.

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