Madhwal with the help of Mangesh Ghildiyal, IAS deputed in PMO constructing a high profile school for quality education of village children to make them IPS and IAS in future

When Uttarakhand is facing the problem of mass exodus from villages to metropolises, towns and cities for want of job avenues, health facilities and quality education for their wards and schools in the Himalayan states closing rapidly there are people who have not lost their hopes but are doing their best to ensure that good schools are built in the interiors to impart quality education to those living in the interior villages and surrounding areas to apply the brakes on the increasing migration in Uttarakhand.
A gentleman Ramanand Madhwal from Nainidaanda block, though living in Delhi, has been working hard for the last several years through his NGO to encourage children to stay put in their villages and study there itself by renovating their schools and encouraging sports related activities by providing them the necessary kits and assistance etc.
According to the latest news Ramanand Madhwal is these days busy in constructing a smart school up to 12 th standard where IIT professors would impart education to the children.
According to Madhwal his aim is to see the village children seek quality high education here and become IPS and IAS in future.
The former district magistrate in Garhwal , now deputed in Prime Minister’s Office in New Delhi, South block Mangesh Ghildiyal has helped them to seek Rs. 1.56 crores from the CSR fund of the ONGC to built this smart school / college which will be fully equipped with smart furnitures, desk , equipments , laboratories, books, stationeries , sports related requirements etc to ensure that the students of the Nainidaana villages receive best of education to become IPS and IAS in future.

Our Best Wishes for Ramanand Madhwal’s dream school in Uttarakhand!