Audience glued to their seats while Devbhoomi play was successfully staged by Parvatiya Kala Kendra at LTG, Mandi house

Hindi play written by Chandra Mohan Papanai on the background of Uttarakhand was successfully performed by Parvatiya Kala Kendra Delhi, a cultural organization established in 1968, which has traveled on national and global platform and even to the Olympic Theatre, at LTG Auditorium, Mandi House, New Delhi on 18 March 2024.
The impressive staging of ‘Devbhoomi’ was staged in a packed auditorium under the able direction of Suman Vaidya compelling audiences glued to their seats for two n a half hours altogether.

The gist of the Hindi play named ‘Devbhoomi’, staged on the background of Uttarakhand based on songs, music, dance and dialogue, is based on Uttarakhand’s spirituality, people’s life, example of bravery, environment, hard work of women and loyalty and faith of villagers towards the traditions of the region. , was full of lack of employment and industries, prevalent disorders and their solutions. The staged play was imbued with every genre of theatre, very impressive and of high standard.

The thunderous applause from the audience from time to time in the packed auditorium and the reaction expressed by the audience on the acting, singing, dancing, music, drama direction and script of the drama at the end of the play was a clear indication of its total success.

After a long time, the theater world has got a new dimension through this newly staged play. The message of the staged play will reach the people associated with theater and connoisseurs.

Mahendra Singh Latwal in the role of Patraul, Chandra Bisht in the role of Durga, Dr. Satish Kaleshwari in the role of Gambhir Singh, Khilanand Bhatt and Deepak Rana in the role of Hariya and Ramua respectively along with folk singing by Asha Negi, dance by Savitri Chhetri Sharma were absolutely fabulous.
The direction, music direction of Madhu Beria Sah and careful drama direction of Suman Vaidya have helped in taking the staged play to the new pinnacle of success. The set installed on the stage and the lighting concept done by Mita Mishra has been appreciated by the audience.

This new staged play was inaugurated by eminent personalities of Uttarakhand including Padmashree Shekhar Pathak, World Brahmin Association President KC Pandey, world famous magician Dr. KC Pandey, industrialists Suresh Pandey, Sukhesh Naithani, Sanjay Joshi, Narendra Ladwal. , Chandan Dangi, Paharitya Kala Kendra Chief Patron Rama Upreti etc. etc. by lighting the lamp.

Two shows of the staged drama were staged at 3 pm and 7 pm with the financial support given by various sponsors like ONGC, JDS, CAI, Matplast, RT etc. About thirty artists from Parvatiya Kala Kendra participated in a ninety-minute staged drama.

The script of the message-oriented original play ‘Devbhoomi’ written by Chandra Mohan Papanai, the songs, music and dance of Uttarakhand and the impressive drama direction of Suman Vaidya and the impressive roles played by the characters of the play have left an impression among hundreds of theater lovers. Eyewitnesses have been the opinion of theater lovers that many shows of original drama should be organized with this message.