Tons of Salutations to brave heart Jaswant Singh Rawat, Rifleman, Garhwal Rifles who single handedly killed 300 Chinese in the War of Nurarang, 1962 / 19 th August is his 83 rd Birth Anniversary

Tons of Salutations
Today is the 83rd birth anniversary of our outstanding brave heart Rifleman of Garhwal Rifles Jaswant Singh Rawat, whose name is etched in Golden letters in the history of India for his supreme sacrifice at quite a young age.
While paying our richest tributes to this braveheart, dare devil who sacrificed himself at the mere age of 21 doing such a big historic feat for the nation, our thoughts spontaneously go back to 1962 era when our dare devil and brave heart of 4 Garhwal Rifles, twenty four year old Martyr, Rifleman Jaswant Singh single handedly killed more than 300 Chinese soldiers and officers, with immense valour fighting the war of Nurarang at Tawang, Arunachal Pradesh for incessant 72 hours and laid down his precious life shooting himself on the temple rather than being caught by the enemy Chinese forces. However, his head decapitated by the coward Chinese Army thereafter.
While the hectic firing was being exchanged between the Indian Army n the PLA, the Chinese forces in large numbers entered Arunachal Pradesh killing good number of Indian soldiers at Tawang.
After confronting heavy casualties and diminishing of the ration of Garhwal Rifles including ammunition, the Garhwal Rifles’ seniors were constrained to instruct their soldiers at Nurarang post , Tawang to leave their positions immediately in order to save their lives.
The Chinese advancement and dominance compelled several soldiers to unwillingly leave their positions but highly patriotic, brave and full of valour angry Jaswant Singh Rawat and two of his compatriots of 4 Garhwal Rifles viz lance Naik Trilok Singh Negi and Gopal Singh Gusain flatly refused to leave their positions but instead pledged to fight the coward Chinese soldiers tooth and nail, preferring to lay down their lives for the country in the line of duty than to leave their positions on the war front.
These dare devil brave hearts were so angry and emotionally touched by the extensive casualties that they wanted to give a befitting reply to the Chinese soldiers by avenging these casualties, tooth and nail, ready to face their own deaths.
According to the reliable versions of the 1962 war of Nurarang in Tawang, Arunachal Pradesh, the trio Rifleman Jaswant Singh, Lance Naik Trilok Singh and Gopal Singh of 4 Garhwal Rifles continued firing on Chinese soldiers from their positions but were worried about the extensive damage done to the Indian side viz heavy casualties of Indian soldiers compelling remaining soldiers to leave their positions in a huff.
However, now only three of them were left on the heavy war front facing the Chinese heavy intermittent firing from a bunker through a machine gun by PLA soldiers, also clandestinely endeavouring to come near to these Indian Army brave hearts from other sides.
However, covering both the sides n positions of his post, Rifle man Jaswant Singh Rawat planned to damage the Chinese bunkar from where these soldiers were heavily firing clandestinely, inflicting huge damage to the Indian side thus killing good number of our soldiers via their machine guns incessantly.
Least worried for their precious lives these trio continued firing on the Chinese with the help of two local girls giving them clues about the enemy positions, who hailed from Arunachal Pradesh, also supplying ration to them.
Meanwhile Rifleman Jaswant Singh, Lance Naik Trilok Singh and Gopal Singh Gusain threw grenades on the bunker of the Chinese by clandestinely going to their side and killing several Chinese soldiers, despite heavy firing going on.
After the extensive damage to the Chinese soldiers Trilok Singh Negi was grievously injured n laterite succumbed to his grievous injuries.
Meanwhile the Chinese machine gun was brought by Rifleman Jaswant Singh on the Indian side and turned its position towards the Chinese positions killing more than three hundred PLA soldiers.
Prior to the Chinese Bunker destruction by clandestinely lobbing the granade n killing several Chinese solders by turning the position of Chinese machine gun towards the PLA soldiers, Rifle Jaswant Singh continued firing at Chinese soldiers from his position.
It is said that he fought empty stomach for 72 hours single handedly and killed more than 300 Chinese soldiers.
After decapitating dare devil n brave heart Rifle Jaswant Singh who shot himself on his tample , preferring death than being captured by the enemy Chinese, the Chinese realised that it was not the Garhwal Rifle battalion but a single soldier who killed more than 300 Chinese soldiers by his extreme courage, valour n brave heart.
Later on they presented his metallic head trophy to the Indian government as a mark of respect for his bravery with Salutes and also urged the Indian government to present him the hospital highest honour of the nation. Thereafter , a temple was built at Tawang Arunachal Pradesh worshipped by the officers n jawans of Indian Army.
He till date gets periodic promotions as any other fauji gets and has been promoted to the rank of captain. His shoes are polished daily, dress ironed n food served at a scheduled time.
It is believed that Rifleman Jaswant Singh’s soul still exists and roams in Tawang n blesses one n all on duty.
Salutations to this great soldier for his outstanding sacrifice for the nation. Rifleman Jaswant Singh’s mother died last year. The supreme sacrifice of Rifleman Jaswant Singh Rawat of 4 Garhwal Rifles, Lance Naik Trilok Singh Rawat n Gopal Singh Gusain in protecting Arunachal Pradesh from the greedy coward Chinese is written in the golden letters in India’s war history.
He had been bestowed with the highest coved honour Mahavir Chakra posthumously. A bollywood movie has also been made on his outstanding bravery and supreme sacrifice at a young age of merely 21.
He deserves salutation for his bravery.