Corona virus is a living creature like human beings related vedio of former Ukhand CM Rawat goes viral in social media

When Covid 19 fatalities in the country and Uttarakhand are rapidly increasing there are some politicians who could never control their so called articulation and talk absurd creating unnecessary controversies degrading their and party’s reputation and image.
I think everybody know that the current chief minister of Uttarakhand Tirath Singh Rawat has after assuming the highest office in the hilly state spoken absurdly in his few public meetings allegedly equating the PM with Lord Rama saying that the time is not far when he will be worshipped as the latter followed by controvertial statements saying that it was not Britain but the US that ruled India for 200 years enslaving us etc becoming an object of mockery publicly and in media.
These childish ridiculous statements created lot of controversy bringing down the reputation of the saffron party in Uttarakhand.
As if this was not enough, the former chief minister of Uttarakhand Trivendra Singh Rawat today issued another controvertial statement while speaking to an electronic channel with his vedio going viral in entire social media viz FB, twitter n WhatsApp globally.
The former chief minister while talking to a reporter on camera termed the dreaded Corona Virus as a living creature like human beings who is being attacked by humans who consider themselves as over intelligent n clever despite the fact that it ( the coronavirus) also has the right to live or exist as the human beings live. Since the over clever human beings are hell bent upon destroying it it is multiplying itself becoming a ” BEHRUPIYA”. Said Trivendra Rawat while speaking to a TV channel.
THIS ridiculous statement of the former CM has been seriously taken note of and comments criticizing and ridiculing him started thronging the social media in their comments by his opponents.
One of the twittereties n national Youth Congress president Shriniwas B V has while making mockery of the Uttarakhand’s former CM’s statement said that if the Coronavirus is a human being it must also be having the Adhar n Ration card. Retweeting the vedio of the former UK CM Rawat while ridiculing him Shriniwas wrote in Hindi repeating the latter’s statement: “Karona EK prani Hai” , ( Corona is a living creature) Former CM Trivendra Singh Rawat.
Then it must also be having it’s Adhar and Ration Card tweeted Shriniwas BV ridiculing the former Uttarakhand CM.
It may be recalled that in Uttarakhand while 2.65 lakh people have been infected with Covid 19 about 4,123 people have died till yet. What is shocking is the fact that as per a report in Quint about 1.3 lakh people have been infected during the Mahakumbh in Haridwar, an 1800% collossal spike within a month of April.