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Hundreds of IYC activists and it’s chief Sriniwas court arrest in the 5 th anniversary of Demonetisation

Hundreds of activists of Indian Youth Congress led by its president BV Sriniwas today protested outside its Reserve Bank Of India, raising anti government slogans confronting hundreds of policemen, courting arrests.

The IYC activists were protesting on the 5 th anniversary of Demonetisation which was imposed by the present government five years ago on this day, putting everyone in utter shock and surprise, that claimed several lives as well.

The Youth Congress activists were raising anti BJP, anti govt slogans and also against the prime minister, confronting policemen and climbing on barricades, finally compelling policemen to forcibly lift them to the waiting buses and arrest.

The Indian Youth Congress chief BV Sriniwas was literally lifted by several policemen and thrown inside the DTC bus when he raised anti government slogans, climbing on the barricades.

Terming the Demonetization as a big scam, the IYC chief Sriniwas BV said that Demonetization imposed by the Prime Minister 5 years ago has literally destroyed the economy of the country. The Prime Minister’s decision to demonetise proved to be a catastrophe rather than a masterstroke he added. He said, the claim of ending terrorism with Demonetization turned out to be a pure rhetoric/ jumla. Demonetization pushed the countrymen into recession.

The National President of Indian Youth Congress, Shri Srinivas BV further said that Prime Minister Modi claims to eliminate fake notes to justify his decision of Demonetization, while the reality is different saying that Demonetization has increased the number of fake notes. Demonetization neither ended corruption, nor made the economy cashless, nor did terrorism countered in any case. Demonetization imposed by the Prime Minister has not been able to fulfill any of its targets said IYC chief . Modi ji and BJP had said that Demonetization would end black marketing and the country would develop manifold , but according to the latest data, India’s GDP is at the lowest rank, unemployment is highest and poverty is attacking the country rapidly.
BJP has thrown the country into darkness said the Youth Congress chief. Accusing the saffron party n it’s govt of destroying the small and mediam businesses n businessman he added that BJP submerged all the big and small businessmen of the country and the most affected class were the middle and poor ones he said.

He also said that Demonetization was not a war against black money but against the poor and common citizens. Demonetization failed in its target, Prime Minister should apologize to the countrymen for the failure of Demonetization asserted Sriniwas BC.

Many Youth Congress workers, led their National President Srinivas BV, reached outside RBI today for a demonstration, but Delhi Police barricaded everyone and stopped them taking many Youth Congress colleagues into custody forcibly and then ferrying them to Mandir Marg police station.

On this occasion, National General Secretary of Indian Youth Congress and Delhi In-charge Bhaiya Pawar, National Media In-charge Rahul Rao, National Secretary Ajay Chikara, Mohit Chaudhary, Delhi Pradesh Youth Congress President Rannvijay Singh Lochav and many youth Congress workers were present.

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One Comment

  1. If money was earned through legal means , INC workers would not have to do such drama. Nobody stopped them from depositing cash into banks. Their actions only imply the level of mental and financial corruption within Congress. Even Mamta Banerjee, Sharad Pawar and lately Lalu Prasad Yadav have distanced themselves from congress whose relevance is diminishing day by day

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