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Harish Rawat and Pritam Singh again at loggerhead as the later rejects the former’s announcement of Rs 200 subsidy in gas cylinder if Congress comes to power in Uttarakhand

Uttarakhand Congress which is considered to be faction ridden with the former Uttarakhand chief minister Harish Rawat and outgoing Congress President n presently the leader of the opposition in Uttarakhand Assembly Pritam Singh usually fighting each other not allegedly prepared to see eye to eye is today again at cross roads, not knowing what a big harm their actions are doing to the party supposed to be a next political alternative in the Himalayan state, going to polls in 2022.

While the chairman of the Congress election campaign committee Harish Rawat is leaving no stone unturned to ensure that he and his team, state President Ganesh Godiyal scores victory in the ensuing elections by being extremely proactive also making several announcements, his bete noire Pritam Singh who had earlier outrightly rejected the former’s proposal for declaring prospective CM candidate has again rejected Rawat’s announcement regarding granting of subsidy of Rs 200 by Congress if comes to power, saying that he is nobody to make such announcements unless the Congress election menifesto includes them in its election menifesto.

According to the latest news of Hindustan while addressing the media, leader of the opposition in Uttrakhand Assembly Pritam Singh has outrightly rejected Rawat’s recent announcement of Congress likely to accord the subsidy of Rs 200 to Uttarakhand’s every family catagorically saying that the Congress party wants to give more facilities to the consumers in Uttarakhand but let’s first all sit together an prepare the election menifesto to include pro people programmes in the menifesto. He added that may be Congress wants to give a subsidy of Rs 500 instead of Rs. 200. He said let us all sit together and prepare an inclusive menifesto, instead of making announcements sitting in a closed room. Responding to the media he said that such announcement would be made only when the party comes to power after properly analysing and studying the economic situation of the state said Pritam Singh.

Meanwhile, seasoned leader Harish Rawat in a good gesture agreed to Pritam Singh’s point of view but said that may be he is right but at the time of election menifesto this point of subsidy was left out. The chief election campaign committee chairman Harish Rawat however said that my announcement of subsidy on gas cylinder will provide immense relief to house wives who are already reeling under acute pressure if inflation. In the context of the economic condition of the state Harish Rawat said the state’s financial status is strengthened by courage and pro people decisions.

I will make the party high command agreeable on giving Rs 200 subsidy to Uttarakhand’s families in gas cylinders as I was successful in convincing them on granting free electricity on monthly 100 units consumption etc.

Kindly recall that the outgoing Uttarakhand Congress chief n present opposition leader of Uttarakhand assembly Pritam Singh was replaced by his man, lawmaker from Srinagar assembly seat Ganesh Godiyal annoying the former, who had been at loggerheads since long, not in good political terms despite being in the same party. When Harish Rawat had earlier given a proposal to declare a future Congress CM face before elections, the then President Pritam Singh had outrightly rejected saying that never before had the Congress declared its CM in advanced.

It was only after the party gained majority that a chief minister was elected through democratic voting or the choice of the party high command. He succeeded and Rawat’s, proposal was put in cold storage. But later on, veteran Congress leader, general secretary of AICC n CWC member close to Sonia, Rahul and Priyanka Rawat had been successful in installing his protege as the new Congress chief replacing Pritam Singh, his opponent within the party who was made the leader of the opposition losing grip over the party organisation in Uttarakhand.

Today Harish Rawat has his fullest say in Uttarakhand Congress with party in his grip and he also having been appointed as the chief of the state’s campaign committee.

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