A news is being circulated in social media that the village head ( Gram Pradhan ) of village Kathur in Tehri Garhwal and the inhabitants of the village have issued strict instructions on their own prohibiting sale, purchase of land particularly to the outsiders in their village periphery failing which an appropriate legal action will be taken against those involved in the sale purchase of the land within the periphery of the village KATHUR.
The instructions said that if any mediator/ broker in these land sale or purchase deals is trapped then he or she will be dealt with severely, legally.
This urgent step by the village head and the villagers is being taken in view of the apprehension of the disturbing and destroying demography of the area in case the land sale is allowed to continue to outsiders in particular.
The villagers have put a big board issuing the warning in categorical terms prohibiting the sale and purchase of land in their periphery also strictly warning the mediator in these deals of legal action.
It may be recalled that after the ceiling on the 12.5 acres of land prohibiting sale related rule was broken by the previous government it had opened floodgates for buying of as much as land one can under the guise of opening 28 trades/ industries etc , in Uttarakhand of which majority of the lands have been sold and purchased by the big business houses thus disturbing and destroying the demography of Uttarakhand.
According to the rough estimate almost half of the lands in Uttarakhand have been purchased by the outsiders under the guise of setting up of approved industries/ trades but majority of the land is being resold through colonisers, builders , property dealers etc allegedly earning tremendous profits – violating the land laws etc in the open and destroying the demography of Uttarakhand by settling outsiders in the state once called the land of abode of Gods.
Uttarakhand today unfortunately has also become a safe haven for criminals, builders, mafias, bootleggers, liquor mafias, miners with criminal activities on the rise and the police allegedly finding it difficult to cope with the situation of immense lawlessness.
There seems to be an unholy nexus between the contractors building and liquor mafias and the corrupt bureaucracy including the white collar politicians.
According to the message being circulated in the social media under the title of Big News Villagers in Gram Panchayat Kathud, Tehri Garhwal have imposed a complete ban on selling land to outsiders.
There is a need for the entire Uttarakhand to learn from the people of Kathur that if the government does not implement the land law, then the hill people themselves can unite and take such decisions in the Panchayat.
The village head should make the public aware and make strict rules for his Gram Sabha in which a unanimous resolution of all the villagers should be passed and similar boards should be installed in their respective villages.
A strict message was given by Pradhan Gram Panchayat Kathud and all the villagers that appropriate legal action will be taken against any middleman found involved in land buying and selling activity.
All the people of Gram Sabha Kathud deserve congratulations for taking such a good decision. Some greedy people in the village trap innocent people of their own village and sell their land, which is very wrong. It is the responsibility of all of us to save water, forests and land.