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Farmers wrapping up their tents at borders finally withdrawing the agitation today after receiving letter from the govt.

The Samyukta Kisan Morcha a conglomeration of forty farmers Union who’d been struggling hard for the last more than a year with their agitation cum Dharna going on at various locations of Delhi border have formally decided to lift their agitation after the central government issued them a letter assuring of lifting three farm laws n enactment of a new law on MSP. This was announced in a press conference of the SKM on behalf of the agitating farmers addressed by Swarajya India’s founding leader n farmers leaders as well along with other farmer leaders today. The five point letter acknowledged by the Farmers Unions signed by the secretary of ministry of agriculture and farmers welfare, Department of Agriculture and farmers welfare, Government of India, Sanjay Aggrawal stated that government has send the following resolution in support of the demands of the ongoing agitation of the farmers unions requesting them tk withdraw their protracted agitation.

According to the point number one of the letter : the honourable prime minister has taken the lead followed by the agriculture minister in constituting a committee which will be comprised of the farmers representatives, agricultural scientists and representatives of central and state governments. It is clarified that the SKM representatives will also be included in this committee. The mandate of the committee would be as to how should be the parameters decided to accord MSP to the farmers. The government has already given an assurance during the earlier talks that the present term n condition of the present purchases on MSP will be continued further.

According to point number two, all the cases registered against the farmers during the farmers movement have been outrightly withdrawn in states of UP, Uttarakhand, Himachal Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, and, Haryana by the respective governments with immediate effect. The point number 2A states that all the cases registered during the farmers agitation by the central govt, central agencies, govt of union territories including Delhi would be withdrawn with immediate effect.

The central government will also urge all the state governments to expeditiously withdraw all the cases that were lodged during the farmers movement against the farmers. According to point number three, the government of Uttar Pradesh and Haryana have already given their consent to accord necessary financial compensation to the bereaved families of those died during the movement etc. The government of Punjab has also given it’s due concurrence and consent to act favourably in the context of point number two n three as above. The clauses putting adverse impact/ implications on the farmers with regard to the legislation on power bill will be formally discussed with the stake holders n SKM to arrive at a definite conclusion which will later on be ratified by both houses of parliament said the letter.

As far as the question of stubble burning issue pertaining to the law enacted by the government is concerned it’s clauses 14 and 15 have given legal immunity to the farmers already said the point five of the letter. In view of the resolution of a the demands apart from the already resolved three farm laws demands already revoked the secretary Sanjay Agrawal has requested on behalf of the government tk withdraw the agitation, which has been formally agreed upon by the SKM n farmers unions.

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One Comment

  1. Indeed they won. Congress won. Communists won. China won. Khalistani won because they all are ONE !
    Modi lost. Poor farmers have 1-2 acres of land lost. Common man lost
    Jai Hind

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