SLP for CBI probe filed in Supreme Court listed for 2 nd December, 2024

The Special Leave Petition filed by the journalist cum activist Ashutosh Negi in Supreme Court several months ago demanding Central Bureau of Investigation probe into the case and to find out the real VIP behind the entire conspiracy of murder of an innocent 19 year old girl namely Ankita Bhandari who worked as a receptionist in Vanantara Resort in Yamkeshwar block Rishikesh was heard on 11 th July after being admitted in Supreme Court by a three judge bench.
However, the matter has again been postponed for 2 nd December 2024.
The SLP is being pursued in Supreme Court on behalf of Ashutosh Negi by senior supreme court human rights advocate Collin Gonsalves famous for taking pro bono cases, helping the needy and victimised.

Two other advocates Ali Quambar Zaidi and Satya Mitra AOR are assisting the senior advocate Colin Gonsalves in this matter.
Earlier to SLP filed in the apex court the matter was filed in the Uttarakhand High court with a request to issue directions to the state and central government to institute a CBI probe in this sensitive matter but the High Court of Uttarakhand has rejected the request of the petitioner saying that since the SIT is doing a good and satisfactory investigation in this case there is no need for a CBI probe .
Thereafter advocate n journalist , activist Ashutosh Negi approached the Supreme Court through the senior advocate n Human Rights activist Collin Gonsalves and filed the Special Leave Petition there.
However the case is still lingering on with the latest date of the case fixed for 2nd December, 2024 after being heard on July 11. The three judge bench that heard this case comprised of Justices Sanjiv Khanna, Sanjay Karol and Sanjay Kumar.
Kindly recall that in a case of late Kiran Negi, known as the the Nirbhaya of Najafgarh, who was just 19 years old and brutally killed by three criminals, rather human beasts after her obnoxious gang rape in 2012 few months before the tragedy that happened in the running bus in Vasant Vihar , the hardened culprits too were freed by the Supreme Court after a long legal battle of ten years, despite getting capital punishment by two lower courts.
She was abducted from Qutub Vihar, Najafgarh and taken to Haryana where she was obnoxiously raped and brutally murdered. The case that was fully in cold storage was raised again by the late NGO activist Anita Negi Gupta in 2014 onwards with good number of Uttarakhandies living in Delhi including the author and president of Uttarakhand Journalists Forum Sunil Negi joining the relentless struggle thus mobilising the issue on a large scale by holding good number of demonstrations n candle matches including submitting memorandums to higher authorities including highlighting massively in print and electronics media .
The case was filed n the Dwarka Sessions Court , fast tracked it giving capital punishment to the horrendous culprits with Delhi High Court too upholding it.
The case thereafter went for eight years in the Apex court where all the three culprits were freed as there were lot of loopholes in the case having been allegedly made too weak.
There were 21 grievous injuries on the dead body of the deceased Nirbhaya of Najafgarh who was also from Garhwal Uttarakhand. Her poor n hapless father Kunwar Singh Negi n mother ran from pillar to post for justice, stringent punishment to the guilty but of no avail.