Massive protests continue against price hike in Petro products and inflation/ IYC’s 6 th protest march under scorching sun

The petrol prices in the national capital territory of Delhi have reached Rs 100 a litre with several states witnessing more than Rs 105 putting the financial condition of already over burdened consumers in jeopardy. The aftermath implications of repeated rise in petrol, diesal, domestic gas and milk prices have resulted in escalation of inflation all around with prices of essential commodities skyrocketing, especially mustard oil reaching 180 to 200 Rs a litre adversely affecting the consumers nationally. If we look at the prices of Petrol in various states in the national capital it has crossed Rs 100 with the financial capital Mumbai selling Petrol at Rd. 106.25 Rs a litre followed by Chennai Rs. 101.06, Kolkata Rs.100.23, and Bengaluru Rs 103.56. In Rajasthan’s Ganga Nagar petrol price is the highest with diesal selling Rs. 102.78 per litre. There had been a rise of Rs 35 per litre in Petrol even as international prices of crude oil slumped say the news reports. The reason being given is the supply cuts of crude oil after the inconclusive meeting of the OPEC including Russia the other day.
The latest Brent crude international price is 75.93 dollars per barrel after 3.5% decline in rates. It was 77.84 dollars, highest since October 2018 before decline of 3.5% say news reports. Meanwhile, the Indian Youth Congress today organised a protest demonstration in New Delhi for the sixth time during the last two months registering their anger and frustration on the incessant price rise in peril, diesal, domestic gas etc leading to all round inflation breaking the backbones of the already burdened countrymen especially those hailing from the low middle classes n lowest ebb of the society. The chief of Indian Youth Congress catagorically said that ” The increase in the prices of Petrol, Diesel, and LPG gas cylinders has made one thing clear, “Modi hai toh Mehngai hai”. Criticising the prime minister Narendra Modi IYC chief demanded his resignation saying ,”Don’t turn your back on inflation and if you can’t reduce it, then leave the chair“.
New Delhi, 08 July 2021: Today Indian Youth Congress workers under the leadership of Youth Congress National President Shri Srinivas BV ji protested against the rising prices of petrol, diesel and Lpg gas cylinders by riding bicycles and with effigies of gas cylinders. During this, many Youth Congress workers with their own cycles participated in this protest.
The National President of Youth Congress, Shri Srinivas BV ji said that in the last 7 years, the Modi government has earned more than ₹22 lakh crore by increasing the prices of petrol and diesel, but nothing else has come in the hands of common man except helplessness. The increase in the prices of petrol, diesel, and LPG gas cylinders made one thing clear, “Modi hai to Mehngai hai”. Despite the fall in the price of crude oil in the international market, the prices of petrol and diesel in the Indian market are increasing almost every day. Why this is happening, only the Modi government can give the answer.
Addressing the IYC activists, the president BV Sriniwas said that the loot policy of the present government has given inflation as a gift to the people of the country who’d voted them to power at the centre with such a massive mandate. Modi government is looting the public by increasing the prices of petrol, diesel and cooking gas. Earlier there used to be a government, which was for ‘people’ and by the ‘people’, but unfortunately now it is serving the interests of ‘industrialists’ , not at all concerned for the poor, hapless, lower middle class and the underprivileged sections of the society said Srinivas BV. He further said that the skyrocketing petrol-diesel prices and unbridled inflation have become the hallmark of the Modi led BJP government government under which every effort is being made to squeeze the pockets of the common man.
The IYC chief said that in this period of crisis, the anti people attitude of ruling BJP should be stopped forthwith, at all costs. He added that the ruling party is not at all concerned about the people’s welfare n wellbeing but are only bothered about the elections n improving their political prospects. Criticising them he added that the country’s electorates have understood the chronology of BJP’s electoral gimmicks and misuse of public funds.
The In-charge of Youth Congress and AICC Co-Secretary Shri Krishna Allavaru said that the BJP government at the Center has changed the very definition of democracy. The loot policy of Modi government has given inflation in gifts to the people of the country. Slamming the BJP government for looting the public by increasing the prices of petrol, diesel and cooking gas Allavaru said the Modi government should stop the incessant inflation by reducing the prices of Petro products failing which the nation will teach them a befitting lesson.
National General Secretary of Youth Congress and Delhi In-charge Bhaiya Pawar, Sitaram Lamba, Abraham Roy Mani, Amarpreet Lally, Anil Kumar Yadav, Delhi Co-Incharge and National Secretary Khushboo Sharma, all National Secretaries, many State Presidents of Youth Congress and many other Youth Congress workers participated in the protest.
The youth Congress activists many of them girl activists were on cycles under the scorching sun raising slogans demanding prices of Petrol, diesal and domestic gas to come down holding playcards and pictures of large sized gas cylinders erected on cars and bicycles symbolising giving up using cars n two wheelers in view of soaring prices of petrol not within the reach of the middle n lower middle class.
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Fuel & cooking gas prices are not affordable to common people, government must pay heed.