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Demand for registering FIR against negligent Patwari who was allegedly in league with culprit Pulkrit Arya ?

While the mortal remains of brave 19 year old girl Ankita Bhandari have been consigned to flames giving her the tearful final adieu amid thousands of people raising slogans hailing her and denouncing the state govt for the negligent and lackadaisical attitude of the revenue police and law enforcing agencies, the disenchanted n traumatic parents and journos are raising serious objections to not only demolishing the resort in hurry, tempering with the evidence but also accusing the government for punishing the wrong Patwari suspending him instead of the right one namely Mr. Pratap, who had gone on leave on the day – a complaint was lodged by the father of the victim. According to sources the patwari looking after this case and completely negligent supposedly in league with the culprit Pulkit Arya had intentionally gone on leave the next day when the father of the victim had complained that Mr. Pratap Patwari is not cooperating them in locating his daughter. The editor of Jago Uttarakhand news channel Ashutosh Negi had accompanied the victim’s father at the revenue police station and had complained about the Patwari not cooperating the victim’s father. A new Patwari was deputed in place of Mr Pratap when he went on leave. After tremendous pressure on social media the government had to suspend the Patwari but latest report say that the new Patwari was suspended insted of the one who had to be suspended. There is now a new demand for lodging FIR against the previous Patwari on leave who was actually negligent and careless and allegedly sided with the culprits in the commission of the crime. It may be recalled that after the regular police had taken charge on 23 rd September the case was resolved within 24 hours as claimed by IPS DGP Uttarakhand Ashok Kumar arresting three culprits including the owner of the Vanantara resort Pulkit Arya who had admitted during interrogation about murdering Ankita Bhandari by pushing her in Chila canal after quarrel. All the three culprits were heavily drunk. Meanwhile, there are also reports that a woman had also been missing from this resort earlier and there is no news about her where abouts. News are also appearing in social media about this resort being the adda of prostitution n drugs. Even Pulkit’s wife was also aware of this clandestine prostitution and had objected to her husband several times. Even, Ankita Bhandari was being allegedly pushed into prostitution but she strongly objected to it and prefered dying tragically by being thrashed and then pushed in the canal.

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One Comment

  1. Shockingly, the resort was the centre of Prostitution & Drugs.
    Moreover, how can be new innocent Patwari be suspended instead of an old careless & negligent one, who went on leave?

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