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Delhi CM says instead of asking for making Kashmir Files Tax Free, while earning exorbitant profits, its director should post it in You Tube

The Delhi chief minister Arvind Kejriwal has today castigated the Bhartiya Janata Party leaders for pasting posters of The Kashmir Files to gain political mileage and asked the producer of the film Vivek Agnihotri to post it on You Tube instead of asking for making it Tax Free. He was today speaking in Delhi assembly amidst thumping of desks by AAP MLAs asking that what is the need to make it tax free, as its producer, director Vivek Agnihotri should instead of earning exorbitant profits, exploiting the sentiments of Kashmiri Pandits from the movie , load it on You Tube, making it free to be watched by one and all. What is the need to ask for declaring It tax free said Kejrival.

It may be recalled that The Kashmir Files is running Tax Free in BJP ruled states viz Uttar Pradesh, Tripura, Madhya Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Haryana, Gujarat and Goa etc. In Punjab and Delhi including the Congress ruled states the movie has not yet been made tax free. The picture is running house full having earned till yet Rs 206 crores though made with the budget of only Rs twenty crores.

Ridiculing the BJP, Kejrival said when the children of those pasting posters, pointing towards BJP leaders, ask them what are they doing they’ll respond we are coming home after pasting the film posters. Is it not distressing and the AAP lawmakers laughed in the assembly.

He catagorically said that the film maker Vivek Ranjan is earning crores of Rupees by exploiting the sentiments of Kashmiri Pandits and if he is really concerned for them should post the movie on You Tube for free watching. He said that when a MLA of Haryana had expressed his desire to show the movie in a park free of cost, the director tweeted on the twitter handle of Haryana CM complaining about the film being shown in an open park etc. Meanwhile in a Times Now interview n it’s tweet, retweeted by Vivek Agnihotri, director, co- writer n co producer of Kashmir Files said : The party which was led by great Kashmiri Pandits like Jawahar Lal Nehru, Indira Gandhi… Is today standing with terrorists”, says@ Vivek Agnihotri

The movie Kashmir Files highlighting the brutal killings and forced and traumatic exodus of Kashmiri Pandits in 1990 has been lauded by prime minister Narendra Modi saying that this tragic chapter should be exposed which was deliberately wrapped up by the previous governments for over three decades. This massacre should be exposed he added few days ago while addressing the Parliamentary committee meeting of the BJP MPs n leaders in New Delhi urging the film makers to make such movies to highlight the real truth as no film has been made till yet on 1975 draconian emergency etc. The movie is running house full being screened over more than 2000 screens at the pan India level having earned more than 206 crores in just two weeks.

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