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Hundreds of men n women holding play cards and candles in their hands vociferously raising slogans to reconsider the review petition against the acquittal of the convicts of Damini of Najafgarh demanding death to all the three human beasts was organised at Indira Puram after all the participants assembled at Subhash Park. Led by Search Child foundation chief Museum Kandwal Bhatt, Deepika Nayal Deopa and others, the demonstrators were furious and angered against the acquittal of the three culprits by the apex court who had obnoxiously gang raped and gruesomely murdered the 19 year old Damini of Najafgarh, originally hailing from Pairing Garhwal. The protestors March quite a distance vociferously shouting slogans with traffic affected and lots of outsiders gathered to watch them and add their voice to the next ble cause. Death to culprits of Damini of Najafgarh was the main slogans. They also appealed to the people to light a lamp in their house on 20 th November expressing their solidarity to the cause and death to gruesome culprits of Damini of Najafgarh. Hundreds of people participated in this candle March not ready to relent saying that they will continue their protest till the review petition is not accepted and death granted to the convicts by the honourable supreme Court of India.

It may be recalled that the Damini of Najafgarh was brutally killed after gang raped on 9 th February 2012 after being abducted by three hardened criminals in a red Indica car from Qutub Vihar, Najafgarh.

She was taken to Rodhai village precincts in Haryana and brutally murdered after gangrape with her badly mutilated body found in the field after three days. The capital punishment was granted by the lower sessions Court Dwarka n there after upheld by high court. However, after eight years of protracted legal fight in Supreme Court the traumatised parents were shocked to find the three convicts acquitted.

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