Supreme Court : We are least concerned with politics but want pollution to be controlled

In view of the increasing pollution in the national capital territory of Delhi n NCR, the apex court has today reprimanded both the central as well as the Delhi government. The honourable chief justice of India PV Ramana headed bench hearing the case on pollution in Delhi n NCR has while reprimanding the Kejrival government said that court needs to get positive n concrete results in this regard saying talk n propagate less and work more and don’t compel us to issue directions to audit the tremendous amount of money being used on advertisements and reducing the pollution in Delhi. Directing the government to submit an affidavit in the Supreme Court on Tuesday regarding the preventive steps taken to control so far, the apex court fixed another date of hearing for Wednesday.
It may be recalled that in view of the increasing pollution especially after Deepawali and increased stubble burning in adjoining states of Haryana and Punjab including Uttar Pradesh as claimed by Delhi government the apex court has severely reprimanded the central as well as Delhi government saying that we are not concerned about politics except controlling the pollution.
We had in the last hearing told the solicitor general that the pollution situation is very bad n worrisome but the solutions given were long term. We want immediate solutions said the apex court.
In the affidavit submitted by the government of the national capital territory it said that it’s prepared for the lockdown but urged that the lockdown should be imposed in NCR as well as this will have little impact.
The increasing pollution should be controlled at the air shade level said the Delhi government.
However, the central govt is not in favour of the lockdown. Not favouring lockdown the solicitor general said that this will be a hard step n instead the Delhi government should ban the entry of trucks in Delhi and reintroduce the odd and even number scheme in this regard.
It may be recalled that the supreme Court is seriously concerned about the increasing toxic air and pollution in Delhi and NCR and has directed both the central as well as the Delhi government to act fast and effectively on this front.
Taking a serious view about pollution the apex court said you ( Delhi govt) should atleast ask the farmers to stop stubble burning for atleast a day, though not compelling but by tomorrow also let us know about the substitute of electricity supply, which vehicles entry could be banned in Delhi, industries creating pollution to be closed and power plants to be shutt down by you to control pollution etc.