Soli J Sorabjee dedicated his entire life for human rights protection and down trodden

The passing away of an eminent jurist, legal luminary, a relentless fighter for human rights, an outstanding solicitor general of India twice and a gentleman to the hilt setting exemplary records while pursuing his legal profession during his chequered career spanning five decades has shocked one and all especially the United Lawyers Association, an organisation which he led for twenty long years. In a condolence message the United Lawyers Association vice president R. Venkataramani and general secretary BK Pal while paying their deepest condolences and heartfelt tributes with whom they had an association of more than three decades termed him as a great man and an outstanding jurist who relentlessly fought and stood for human rights and also for the downtrodden in all possible legal ways.
Mrs Rosaline, SEO from South Korea and a HWPL office bearer who had been meeting him frequently now in Korea has asked the United Lawyers Association general secretary Mr. B.K Pal to communicate her heartfelt condolences and sympathies to the bereaved family.
Just few days ago the United Lawyers Association has organised a small get together at IIC in New Delhi on 5 th April to congratulate the doyen of law Soli Sorabjee on his 91st birthday with B K Pal, its general secretary wishing him long life and all the very best in the presence of his author wife and other fraternity friends not having an inkling of doubt about his possible death due to dreaded pandemic. Unfortunately nonagenerian Soli J Sorabjee breathed his last on 30 th April, 2020 leaving one and all in the state of shock and grief.
Even at the age of 91 Soli Sorabjee looked quite hale and hearty who also spoke on the occassion cautioning his fellow advocates to never have the lust for money but to honestly pursue their legal profession with the sole aim to give n get justice for the suppressed and oppressed through earnest pursuance of the legal profession.
He said in his entire life he never ran behind money, instead he remained transparent and dedicated towards his legal profession honestly, the money spontaneously followed him. It may be recalled that Soli Jahangir Solabjee was an eminent Indian jurist who carved a niche for himself by his hard n dedicated work in the legal profession finally serving as Attorney General of India twice viz from 1989 to 1990 and 1998 to 2004. Recipient of prestigious Padma Vibhushan Soli J Sorabjee got this award for his defence for freedom of expression and protection of human rights.
Sorabjee came to actual limelight after the Keshvanand Bharti vs State of Kerala case which was the real turning point of his legal career followed by Menaka Gandhi vs Union of India cases etc.
Sorabjee being felicitated on his 91 birthday by ULA on 5 th April 25 days before his sad demise
According to Wikipedia Sorabjee was involved in several precedent-setting cases concerning the interpretation of the Constitution of India. Sorabjee and Fali Nariman assisted the petitioner’s counsel in Kesavananda Bharati v. State of Kerala, which restricted Parliament from altering the “basic structure” of the Constitution. As Solicitor-General, he was a member of the government’s legal delegation in Maneka Gandhi v Union of India, which held that Article 21 of the Constitution promulgated the right of personal liberty. He was also involved in S. R. Bommai v. Union of India, which imposed restrictions on President’s rule, and I.R. Coelho v. State of Tamil Nadu, which held that laws passed under the Ninth Schedule of the Constitution are not exempt from judicial review. He appeared in the case of B.P. Singhal v. Union of India, in which the Supreme Court held that state governors could not be dismissed without due cause. He aided the petitioner in Shreya Singhal v. Union of India, which targeted restrictions on online speech in the Information Technology Act, 2000.
Author with Soli Sorabjee Sir on his bday on 5 th April at IIC
In March 2002, Soli Sorabjee received the Padma Vibhushan for his defence of the freedom of expression and the protection of human rights. During The Emergency (1975-1977), Sorabjee provided legal services to political prisoners. He later worked on the Citizen’s Justice Committee which represented the 1984 anti-Sikh roits.
In March 2006 he was appointed an honorary member of the Order of Australia (AM), “for service to Australia-India bilateral legal relations”