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After Prem Chandra Aggrawal’s departure now is the turn of Mahendra Bhatt – Nishank’s name doing the rounds for state party chief ?


After losing the cabinet minister’s significant post for bad mouthing in Uttarakhand Assembly last month after the entire Uttarakhand outraged against his anti Pahadee abusive statement, now is the turn of the incumbent BJP state party chief and Rajya Sabha MP Mahendra Bhatt who not only came to the rescue of the erring minister but also publicly pronounced the andolankaries (movement activists) demanding the expulsion / resignation of the minister as “Sadak Chaap netas”. This irresponsible statement of the Uttarakhand BJP chief has not only annoyed and angered the movement activists, youths, students and women of Uttarakhand but even the party’s top leadership finally came to the conclusion to change him at the earliest. This decision to change the state BJP chief Mahendra Bhatt specifically convinced the top BJP leadership when through various newspaper reports startling revelations were made regarding the misuse of political position and powers of their fathers by their sons Piyush Aggrawal son of former minister Prem Chand Aggrawal and Bhatt’s son the co-owners of a big hotel under construction at Yamkeshwar who have illegally captured the government land and built a road up to their hotel illegally in open violation of the laws. The deputy revenue officer ( Patwari) had send a written report to the DM Pauri in this regard after which the case has been registered by SDM Yamkeshwar Anil Chanyal. The BJP leaders especially the chief minister who was in Delhi few days ago must have definitely acquainted the top leadership about these developments in this state resulting in the denigration of party’s image. The Pauri Garhwal MP and national media incharge and spokesman of BJP close to PM Narendra Modi, Amit Shah and party chief J.P.Nadda Anil Baluni watches the entire development sitting in Delhi and informs the top leadership about the party image being denigrated by these leaders of the state. There are indications that in the case of removal of Prem Chandra Aggrawal for his anti Pahadee statement and also changing of the leadership of the state, the role of Baluni cannot be ruled out. Though there are no confirmed reports about who will replace Mahendra Bhatt but speculations suggest that Dr.Ramesh Pokhriyal Nishank’s name is very much under consideration as he is not only soft spoken, comparatively tactical and well versed with Uttarakhand’s masses but he is also a Brahmin as in Uttarakhand caste equations are very specifically maintained . Since the chief minister Dhami is a Rajput the state will have someone from Garhwal and a Brahmin as state chief. Moreover, Dr.Nisjank is a good manipulator, organiser and a grass roots RSS cadre.

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