Maneater Guldaar active in Srinagar, Garhwal area who made two children its prey caught in a cage by Reserve forest staff

The dreaded man-eater responsible for making two children its prey in Srinagar and its surrounding areas has been finally caged by the forest department of Uttarakhand. According to a latest news this man-eater leopard/ tiger has brutally killed two children in Srinagar area during the last ten days. The reserve forest staff came into action after the local population of Srinagar and the adjoining areas exerted pressure on the Forest department to either kill the man-eater or caged it to provide relief to the panicked residents, especially women and children who were becoming easy prey of the man-eaters roaming freely prowling for human flesh in Srinagar area of Pauri Garhwal district. This man-eater was caged on the road at glass house, Srinagar after the Reserve Forest officials fitted several cages on different locations. The panicked people of Srinagar heaved a great sigh of relief after the man-eater being tracked n caged. According to the DFO Swapnil Anirudh the caged Guldaar ( man-eater) will be taken to the Nagdev range and then sent for medical examination finally to the zoo. In Garhwal and Kumaon divisions the terror let loose by these man-eaters have made the lives of women going to jungles to arrange fodder for pet animals and school going children vulnerable. In Champawat district two days ago a woman, mother of two adolescents became the deadly victim of a man-eater when she had gone to the nearby area to cut grass for her cattles along with two other friends. While she was busy cutting the leaves a maneater pounced on her and brutally killed on the spot with her dead body found by villagers having a deep wound on her throat.