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A young girl to be married on 25 th Jan, brutally killed by a maneater at Corbett National Park’s Aman Range

Maneater leopards and tigers have created havoc in Uttarakhand with incidents of attacks of predators on human lives becoming order of the day claiming several lives of women, children and old aged persons.

Not only UK Nation News but the print media have been very active in reporting these daily invasion of the predators in the Garhwal and Kumaon divisions of Uttarakhand.

Just two days ago a child was grievously injured by a maneater at Canal Road Dehradun and several women becoming the easy prey of maneaters at Kumaon division few days ago.

Unfortunately today a young girl who was to be married on 25 th January was brutally killed by a maneater at Aman range of Corbett national park, a tiger reserve where she had gone to fetch grass for the domestic animals.

When the relatives found the girl in a serious condition with grievous injuries after a maneater pounced on her and dragged her to the jungle she was taken to a Bijnaur hospital where she was declared brought dead as her injuries were so grievous that she couldn’t be revived despite the best efforts of the doctors.

According to the news, the deceased was to be married in 25 th January and the entire family was busy making arrangements for the marriage.

On receiving the tragic news the entire family went into deep shock with relatives pouring in in large numbers to express their deepest condolences.

The deceased girl named Dilbivi hailing from a Muslim community had gone to the jungle in Aman range of Corbett national park with her father Masum Ali who were the resident of the Aman range in Corbett national park.

While the father daughter duo were engaged in collecting the grass, fodder for domestic animals the maneater clandestinely on prowl for human flesh pounced of the girl.

The father showing extreme courage pounced on the maneater and tried to retrieve the daughter from the jaws of the maneater but unfortunately the girl was seriously injured by then.

The anguished father ferried her badly injured daughter to the Bijnaur hospital but the deep wounds and excessive blood flow led to the death of the girl whom the doctors declared a deceased on reaching the hospital.

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