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A cardiologist of a UP hospital advises to consume two Ecospirin, Sorbitrate and Rosuvastatin immediately if they suffer hear attack, chest pain related complications during these chilling winters

The chilling cold weather in the country especially in hilly areas have resulted in tremendous cases of heart attacks with hospitals full of patients. In such cases of cardiac arrests in view of non availability of heart related medicines the patients usually die on the way before reaching the hospitals. The cases of heart disease usually increase during chilling winters due to the contraction of arteries etc and the clotting taking place in the blood there in. Most of the people, negligent about taking precautions and majority of the old aged people suffer cardiac arrests during chilling winters as these days. In order to provide credible relief to such cardiac patients reporting congestion in heart , heart attack or pain in the chest Dr. Neeraj Kumar of LPS cardiology, a leading heart hospital of Kanpur has devised a kit of three pills comprising of Ecospirin ( two tablets) , one Rosuvastatin and one Sorbitrate costing just 7 Rupees.

According to cardiologist Neeraj Kumar if a person suffers from congestion in heart, heart attack or pain in chest, he or she should immediately consume these medicines while or before going to the hospital. If they do so, not only will they they recover partially or fully while reaching to the hospital, they will be able to receive relevant cardiac treatment and be cured in time. In some cases in the absence these medicines the patients die while on the way to hospital said Dr. Neeraj Kumar. Speaking to a reporter of a news channel Dr. Neeraj Kumar said that the kit titled “Ram Kit”, with these three life saving tablets is a boon to a patient during critical time of chilling cold when he complains about the chest congestion, heart attack like situation or acute pain in chest as while the Ecospirin restricts clotting in blood arteries, Sorbitrate after being kept under the tongue works as a credible injection to open the squeezed muscles or arteries including Rosuvastatin playing an important role of lowering the bad cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood, thus providing the suffering patient immediate relief before being rendered adequate treatment in the hospital. In some cases her can be fully cured also after the intake of these doses said, Dr. Neeraj.

It may be recalled that during these chiling winters the cases of heart attacks and chest pains are on the spike. The cardiologist has advised people, especially those suffering from cardiac ailments to keep the combination of such medicines with them to be consumed at the time of such critical situation.

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