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Former CM Bahuguna’s charge that Lalkuan is Harish Rawat’s political death knell countered saying it’s an “Amrit Kund” ( Tank of Holy Water) that will take UK to new heights of development

The war of words between former chief minister of Uttarakhand Harish Rawat, former Congress CM n Rawat’s traditional rival, now in BJP Vijay Bahuguna and the present state BJP chief Madan Kaushik has made the election scenario quite interesting giving the campaigning a ridiculous touch as people are saying that ” HAMAAM MEIN SAB NANGE HAIN”. This phrase unambiguously means that no politician irrespective of their diverse political ideologies are are different from each other in actions and behaviour and opportunism is the core character of their politics as witnessed in this election with politicians fervently changing sides for their personel vested interests.

The former chief minister of Uttarakhand in Congress regime who was replaced by none other than his traditional rival Harish Rawat in 2014, finally compelling him to join BJP, as claimed by him, Vijay Bahuguna had on Saturday addressing a press conference at Dehradun criticised chief election strategist of Congress Harish Rawat saying that by shifting from Ram Nagar seat to Lalkuan, this seat will prove to be a, seat of political death for Rawat. Vijay Bahuguna in series of attack on Harish Rawat had said that Rawat who was first given ticket from Ram Nagar was thereafter shifted to Lalkuan constituency but it will definitely lead to his defeat terming the Lalkuan as the well of political death, unambiguously meaning that he will lose the election. The Uttarakhand BJP chief had also expressed the similar views against Rawat.

This harsh response of Vijay Bahuguna against former CM Harish Rawat was after the latter a day before while releasing a booklet of Congress achievements had criticised the BJP and its key leaders saying that the saffron party is insulting our brave hearts of Indian Army showing as if the Indian Army has, commenced retaliating, countering or attacking Pakistan after the government led by Prime minister Narendra Modi assumed power at the centre.

This attitude of the BJP government amounts to the insult of those brave n patriotic Army brave hearts who have participated in the previous wars with Pakistan and attained success.

Today, former Congress CM has retaliated to his criticism by former n present CM of Uttarakhand Vijay Bahuguna and state BJP chief Madan Kaushik posting his comments on social media Facebook as well as on his twitter handle.

In his strong note in response to former CMs Vijay Bahuguna n Pushkar Singh Dhami without directly naming them, the veteran Congress leader and Lalkuan candidate Harish Rawat wrote : The BJP leaders while insulting me are giving the introduction of wrong mentality for Lalkuan as well.

The former CM and BJP state president has in a, statement said that Harish Rawat has after coming out of Ram Nagar went into a well ( Lalkuan).

I want to catagorically say to BJP leaders that this, Lalkuan is an Amrit KundKund, ( Holy Water Tank). From the holy water tank Harish Rawat will bring holy water that will take Lalkuan to the height of development and also lead to the all round development of the state. BJP leaders n workers, listen to me. The development of the state killed by you during the last five years, I will through this holy water of Lalkuan not only fulfil the aspirations of the people if this constituency by the blessings of uts people but will also through the KALASH OF HOLY WATER that would be given to me by the inhabitants of Lalkuan I will also further and fulfill aspirations of the people of the state to the hilt. Jai Hind, Jai Uttarakhand said Harish Rawat in his social media message.

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