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Good governance is missing in Uttarakhand these days writes social n environmental activist of Uttarakhand

This brief article has been written by renowned social and environment activist of Uttarakhand GOVIND GOPAL for UKnationnews

There is a word – we spell as GOVERNANCE, is missing in Uttarakhand these days. There is a total mess and none to take responsibility for.

On-road or in offices, everything is at sixes and sevens. Huge artificial progress is being served but corruption is allegedly rampant. Middle man has grown like grass in the rainy season. It seems that many things are fixed and none can challenge.

From education to hospital, there is no vision. In agriculture, good growth is on paper but the production in hilly farms has dwindled in recent years due to no space for honesty in planning. Industrial growth is limited to the Tarai region and suicides have increased.

Accidents and man eater attacks claiming unaccounted number of innocent human lives have increased manifold as steps to prevent such causes have not been taken.

Narcotic issues, alleged extortion and lawlessness in remote areas are on exponential rise including lack of adequate medical treatments in government hospitals resulting in several casualties for want of treatment and doctors. There had been several incidents of pregnant women dying on the way for lack of adequate treatment or no medical care n delivering babies on way for non arrival of ambulances in time with women in pain being lifted in palanquins by group of people from villages to health centres or local hospitals fir want of connecting roads etc.

Orphaned and minors are in big problems in revenue police area. Small towns with dozens of shops are facing traffic jams!!! Forest land is being allegedly sold by local mafias and the garbage issue has never been solved hence huge piled-up heap garbage is a common scene and order of the day in entire Uttarakhand.

Tourists are facing a lot of problems as many tourist places are under revenue police which is not well equipped with training and other supportive items. Corruption is so rampant that school buildings are becoming useless in few years only.

The availability of officers and employees in offices is poor and even mark sheets are being made available with a good delay of months in engineering institutes.MNREGA works and other social welfare schemes are infected with ‘full paperwork but missing work on ground’ syndrome.

Honest people have been sidelined and contractors – corrupt chhut bhaiye neta unholy nexus is as powerful as most possible. Old and handicapped people are living with fear in villages due to scenes created by drunken people. Such elements rule Graam Sabhaa meetings and roads and there is no protection from such dominating people.

In meetings, husbands are representing their wives in government meetings in the presence of officers and the empowerment of women has become a mockery. Ration cards for subsidized rice and wheat are fraudulently owned by non- eligible people whereas poor people are given cards not matching their financial status.

There is no survey even after the passing of such a resolution in Graam Sabhaa meetings. It is beyond common man’s understanding that why such mess and ignorance!!?

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