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Who’s reponsible for the brutal death of a 19 year old innocent girl ? Had there been timely action her life could’ve been saved say protestors !

Entire Uttarakhand is in a shocking mode today. The most horrendous murder of an innocent girl Ankita Bhandari after her kidnapping on 18 th September and subsequent alleged gangrape has shaken the conscience of one and all. This particular heinous crime of the gangrape n horrendous murder of a 19 year old innocent girl of Srikot village in Pauri Garhwal district with revenue police being completely negligent and careless for 6 days has ultimately substantiated the fact that Uttarakhand, known as a land of abode of God’s is no more a paradise but unfortunately a safe haven for obnoxious human beasts, hardened criminals and anti social elements with corrupt politicians allegedly safeguarding them.

Ankita Bhandari’s gruesome murder after gangrape makes us all hang our heads in shame.

This obnoxious act reminds us of the 2012 infamous running bus gangrape and subsequent brutal murder of Damini of Vasant Vihar, in New Delhi and a year ago similar brutal act committed on Kiran Negi in Haryana after being kidnapped by three criminals from Qutab Vihar, Najafgarh. She had 21 grievous injuries before dying in acute pain with a broken bottle shamefully inserted in her private parts. The Damini of Najafgarh was the sole earning member of the poor family, her father being a daily wage earner.

The entire nation was shaken then keeping in view the massive outrage at the pan India level finally compelling the then government of the day to strengthen the laws on women atrocities and establish fast track courts to rapidly bring obnoxious rapists to justice with severe punishments.

The five murderers and rapists of Damini of Vasant Vihar had been brought to justice by hanging them to death but the perpetrators of Damini of Najafgarh Kiran Negi are still awaiting the capital punishment accorded to them after a long trial at the Dwarka Session’s Court.

Thank to the intelligent judiciary and the cumulative struggle of Uttarakhandies in Delhi.

Presently late Kiran Negi’s case is in Supreme Court being delayed despite several protests.

The Uttarakhand case of Ankita Bhandari has shocked one and all with Uttarakhand Kranti Dal organising a torchlight procession at Dehradun attended by cross section of people demanding fast track court hearing and death to the culprits.

In Pauri Township too right thinking people from cross section of the society held a protest demonstration demanding justice for Ankita Bhandari and with a candle march expressing solidarity to the cause and demanding death to the culprits.

The analysts say that had this case been transferred to the Uttarakhand police since the beginning instead of being handled by the ineffective, negligent and careless revenue police via Tehsildar and, Patvari, the precious life of nineteen year old Ankita Bhandari could have been saved.

The UKD in a delegation today while presenting a memorandum unambiguously said that the patwari concerned in the case has instead of arresting the culprits protected them for the past six days as he was having an unholy nexus with the culprits.They also demanded demolition of the resort and termination of the state ministerial rank of his uncle who may influence the investigations, if he continues to the said post as OBC chairman.

This was substantiated from the fact that the police after taking charge of the case has solved the matter within a day arresting all the culprits including the mastermind Pulkit Arya, son of the former minister Dr. Vinod Arya in BJP government.

The DGP of Uttarakhand police had made this announcement. Meanwhile the chief minister of Uttarakhand Pushkar Singh Dhami has assured that no culprit however of high connections would he be, will not be spared at any cost involved in this heinous crime and would be given harshest of the punishment. Kindly recall that Uttarakhand is the only state in the country having the revenue police and nit giving their charge to civil police despite the High Court’s intervention on 12 th January, 2018.

The revenue police system was introduced by the British rule in the year 1861 as there were comparatively little or negligible crimes in Uttarakhand part of UP then. The entire law and order was then given to the Tehsildar, Kanangu n patwaries.

And since then this system is still being implemented in Uttarakhand interiors. Sounds ridiculous. According to the senior journalist Mr. Jakhmola about 8 thousand villages are under the jurisdiction of Revenue police which are to be connected with the regular police after establishing 68 Police stations and 104 Police Posts.

But despite a proposal already send to the government nothing has been done in this regard. The track record of the revenue officials dealing with crimes n criminals has been extremely lackadaisical and ineffective probably due to the lack of adequate training in tackling with latest crimes and devoid of enough facilities in the interior villages.

The present case of Ankita Bhandari is enough to shed light on the lackadaisical n negligent attitude of the revenue officials allegedly giving enough time and clandestine support resulting in the hapless girl meeting the cruelest end. Our heart goes to the bereaved family confronted with a most irreparable loss.

There are also reports that the outrageous mobs literally torn the clothes of the culprits anc thrashed them while they were being taken to court at Srinagar today. The photos of these culprits are being shown in social media going viral.

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