ITI building washed away at Devprayag. 2 cloud burst incidents at Devprayag n Badkot, Uttarkashi today

There have been two cloud bursts incidents in Uttarakhand this evening one at Devprayag in Pauri Garhwal district and another at Barkot, Uttarkashi.
At Devprayag Pauri Garhwal, the cloud burst was so extensive that massive water fell down in Devprayag locality and under the heavy pressure a huge ITI building got washed away with local populace residing at upper areas of Devprayag taking vedios of the building going down with a bang. The precincts where the massive water after cloud bursts’ incident fell washing away the ITI building was cohesive with several concrete structures n population around.
Similarly at Barkot, Uttarkashi, Garhwal, Uttarakhand the cloud burst led to the river loaded with tremendous high pressure gushing water in which few cars got washed away and entered houses. The flow of river water due this cloud burst was so horrible that the residents living on the brink of the rivers got badly terrified reminding them of the recent Dhauliganga tragedy n earlier ecological catastrophe of Kedarnath which claimed several lives by damaging several houses n killing about two hundred people mostly in the Vishnuprayag tunnels who were trapped in the flood’s silt n muck that has filled the power projects tunnels.
According to the latest sources the amount of loss to property and human n animal lives if any in these cloud burst incidents have not been ascertained or confirmed. People are badly terrified and in the state of shock n despair. It may be recalled that Dev Prayag is a confluence point where Alaknanda and Bhagirathi rivers meet to finally make it pious Ganges. The premature monsoon cloud burst are not good sign.
This is due to disruption in ecological balance. Prematurely burst of clouds that cause multiple damage can only be controlled by planning more trees on barren patches of forests and also by controlling /containing jungle fire said retired Major and dedicated social activist Major Onkar Singh Negi ” Uttarakhandi”.
Gushing water after cloudburst at Badkot, Uttarkashi enter schools n residential areas
Pics from : Sm