Environmental AND Building BY LAWS BEING VIOLATED On River BANKS IN Ukhand leading to large buildings falling like pack of cards

There have been number of tragic instances of multi storey buildings, especially those built on river banks violating environmental and building norms falling down during monsoon due to torrential rains or cloud burst incidents resulting in smooth flowing rivers swelling exponentially and flowing with extensive force intruding into the weak foundation of these falling structures leading to several tragedies. Just yesterday at Maldevta in Dehradun a magnificent Defence college multistorey building building with brick colour has fallen down like a pack of cards with a huge bang situated on the bank of the river. This defence building fell down like a pack of cards due to the river having been swollen due to excessive rains with its gushing water intruding into the foundation carrying entire soil with it. People are questioning as to who granted permission to the authorities concerned to build this huge magnificent building on Riverside violating all environmental and building norms despite so much of warning signals and ecological disasters taking place today and earlier as the one happened in June 2013 demolishing majority of the buildings, commercial structures and hotels etc leading to several deaths as well. It may be recalled that there are usual norms of constructing building on riversides st 50 to 100 feet distance away from rivers but in view of the tragedies occurring as a result of falling huge buildings during torrential rains of monsoon, the distance limit should be enhanced to five hundred feet at least. The recent over swelling of rivers in Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand and subsequent felling of commercial buildings and houses like pack of cards in Manali and several other parts of Uttarakhand like a defence building having fallen at Maldevta due to flash floods has made this absolutely clear that there is still time that we should either give up constructing buildings near river banks or the distance from river should be escalated to minimum 500 feet for construction of houses or commercial buildings. People say that a common man runs from pillar to posts to get his house making map passed ( building bylaws) and has to grease the palms but how come that huge building owners so conveniently get all the building and environmental clearance despite so much of tragedies taking place during monsoon seasons with hotels and large building falling down like pack of cards. Who is accountable for these huge losses if properties and human kills in these mis happenings.