UCC though implemented would not be applicable on Jaunsari, Bhotiya, Tharu, Buksa and Raji communities in Ukhand

THE Uttarakhand chief minister Pushkar Singh Dhami has yesterday implemented the Uniform Civil Code in Uttarakhand which according to the opposition parties hold no significance as far as the development of Uttarakhand is concerned. They say that it is just a ploy to capitalise the votes of majority community. In Uttarakhand there had been numerous protest demonstrations by various social organisations including the regional political party Uttarakhand Kranti Dal demanding concrete land act and 150 Birth citizenship rights, but the Uttarakhand chief minister Pushkar Singh Dhami believing in mere rhetorics has despite his umpteen assurances to the electorates pre and post elections have still kept them in the back burner and instead implemented the Uniform Civil Code.
Meanwhile, the Uttarakhand Ekta Manch which is relentlessly struggling to get Uttarakhand included in the 5 th schedule of the constitution is categorically of the view that UCC (Uniform Civil Code) will not be applicable on communities like Jaunsari, Bhotiya, Tharu, Buksa and Raji of Uttarakhand because they have the status of Scheduled Tribe under the Constitution. This status gives them special rights and protection to preserve their cultural traditions and customs. Garhwali and Kumauni communities have not yet received the status of Scheduled Tribe (ST). Due to this, they do not come under the purview of special rights like constitutionally protected communities (such as Jaunsari or Bhotiya). Therefore, laws like UCC will be applicable to them. According to Uttarakhand Ekta Manch the 5th Schedule will be implemented exactly like the state government and the central government have jointly implemented UCC in Uttarakhand.
#Uttarakhand_Demands_5thSchedule. Meanwhile, The mountainous natives are angry with some provisions of this law and are demanding amendments in it. In this episode, the Nationalist Regional Party has decided to observe a day-long fast and demonstration at Dehradun, tomorrow.
Meanwhile, the Uttarakhand Congress leader and spokesman Garima Dasauni criticizing the Uttarakhand BJP government on the implementation of Uniform Civil Code in Uttarakhand said : UCC means Uniform Civil Code There is neither uniform nor civil code!
There is no uniform because it is not applicable in the rest of the country, so this civil code will be applicable only to the people of Uttarakhand, are we not citizens of the country that a different civil code will be applicable to the rest of the country and a different one to us? Tremendous amount of resentment is surging up in Uttarakhand after the implementation of Uniform Civil Code in the Himalayan state especially on its three major points that may adversely affect the demography of Uttarakhand in the future.
These three points are : 1. A person who has been residing in Uttarakhand for at least one year can be considered a permanent resident.
2. Employees working in the state government or any of its undertakings will also be permanent residents.
3. Beneficiaries of state government schemes will also come under this category.