Effigy of minister Prem Aggrawal burnt at Rishikesh demanding death to culprits of Ankita Bhandari

Despite best efforts of the state government and the STF to bring the culprits to justice now behind bars, the infuriated inhabitants, especially youths and people from cross section of the society are still expressing their anger, anguish and frustration through protest demonstrations, holding meetings and burning effigies of certain leaders n ministers demanding stringent n harshest punishment to the culprits of innocent Ankita’s brutal murder. They are apprehensive that efforts are allegedly being made to silent the case gradually resulting in less harsh punishment to the culprits. In various parts of Uttarakhand and Delhi there have been umpteen protests, candle marches and sit ins including a meeting of lawyers at Nainital not only opposing the proposal to shift the high court to Haldwani but also demanding death to the culprits of innocent 19 year old Ankita Bhandari. In Rishikesh on Sunday good number of demonstrators took out a vociferous protest demonstration and burnt the effigy of the minister and former Uttarakhand speaker Prem Aggrawal. The demonstrators were demanding strictest punishment to the culprits and apprehension of the case allegedly being made lose and weak to help the culprits. In one of the tweets one Prem Piram tweeted in Hindi : An effigy in New UK Andolan Rishikesh was burnt today. In Ankita murder case some coverip ” leepa Potee ” has allegedly been started. The legal fight is being weakened and the govt allegedly standing with the culprits. But the people are in anger. Give death to the culprits of Ankita Bhandari tweeted Prem Piram with hashtag Justice For Ankita Bhandari n Uttarakhand.