It a indeed a sad day for the Indian Army and its veterans as Brigadier BC Rana , SM , DOGRA passed away due to cardiac arrest sending shock waves in entire Indian Army fraternity and among near and dear ones. According to Major General Dr. Mandip Singh rarely in service have anyone ( we) come across Commanders of his mould. He was what “operational” Commanders are made of : tough, fearless, unruffled, very large-hearted, believed completely in the ability of his units & staff, approachable & a down to earth soldier. He lost a leg at Mamdot in 1971 but that never came in the way of his work. In fact, he was ADC to the President after the war! According to one of his juniors in service in 1999, when they were deployed for Operation Vijay, they went for a briefing to Mamdot. Brigadier Rana had then jokingly told the CO that while attacking through the minefield, if his boys come across his leg that he left behind in 1971, he would be grateful if it could be returned! Handsome & dashing, with his trademark mess cap & two cap badges, General Staff & DOGRA Regiment, he lived life on his terms. He epitomized the qualities of an “officer and a gentleman”. He was revered by the troops of 15 DOGRA, the battalion he was commissioned, fought & commanded. He was a true TIGER. Personally, it’s a huge loss. As memories flood the mind, there is but one satisfaction… I served on the staff of a great Soldier. RIP, Jai Hind. According to an Indian Army Veteran Rumel Dahiya while responding to the tributes of Major General ( Dr) Mandip Singh he responded on X : I second you, Mandip. I was one of his cadets at ACC and have known him well. He was indeed a very fine soldier and a nice man to know. May God bless his soul! Another Army veteran Sanjay Kapoor wrote lauding him :
I remember a very very nice officer from the Dogra Regiment – Col later Lt Gen Har Narinder Singh Bedi. I think he was also the Colonel of the Dogra Regiment if I am not wrong.
While paying his respectful tribute YVR wrote : The tiger has gone in heaven. There are unlimited condolence messages in X paying their respectful tributes to Brigadier Rana for his outstanding contribution and exceptional leadership during his tenure in Army despite having lost his leg in 1971 Into Pak War. Salutes.