Sam Pitroda seems to be worried on Ram Temple issue, says : govt’s agenda should be health, education, inflation, growth, diversity, environment etc not religion !

Close friend of the former prime minister Rajiv Gandhi famously called the father of Indian Computing and IT revolution in India, an India Telecom Engineer by profession decades before, 81 year old Indian Overseas Congress chairman Sam Pitroda has problem with the present government for nationalising the Ram Temple issue, prime minister Narendra Modi not addressing a single press conference during the last ten years after becoming PM, naming a Gujarat Stadium in his own name while he is alive, the BJP questioning the people’s habit of eating, of religion and faith, democracy being undermined, giving entire credit to PM for every good that is, happening in the country and when the entire nation is busy lightening lamps and talking about Ram Temple, that bothers me says Sam Pitroda emphatically.
Sam Pitroda was speaking to ANI when questioned about his opinion as a chairman of an Overseas Congress organisation on the present governments status and the going ons in the country.
Talking on a question of the Congress having already passed a resolution in its 84 th plenary Congress session to give up EVM and return to ballot papers as in several Western n European countries, Sam Pitroda, said that he is answering the question in his capacity as a responsible voter of the country on behalf of the citizens and voters believing in transparency saying it is the responsibility of the Election Commission to ensure free and fair election as an impartial body and if it fails the Supreme Court should intervene immediately. He appealed to Congresa party yo view the EVM issue vety seriously and also appealed to INDIA block to think over this issue vety serious as the general elections are round the corner and the fate of the nation is at stake.
He accused the ongoing government for nationalising religion and Ram Temple issue instead of dwelling on more important issues like, education, health, environment, employment, women’s safety so on and so forth as, in his opinion practising religion is entirely a personal matter which can’t be imposed on the country and countrymen. Religion is a personal matter, don’t confuse it with national agenda said Sam Pitroda.
He categorically said with emphasis that our national agenda should go for education, growth, economy, health, controlling inflation, environment, bringing down pollution etc. But nobody talks about these most important issues except talking about Ram Temple, Lord Rama .
We can’t achieve our goals of a modern India by such considerations said Pitroda.
We aren’t a religious fundamental nation likes Pakistan. Our nation has been build on democracy, secularism, freedom, diversity, inclusion like is America emphasised Pitroda. That’s what we want.
Our founding fathers had very clearly articulated that all are equals. It doesn’t care for what religion you practice. It is concerned for what you are. Constitution doesn’t dictate the religion you should practise or what you eat. You are free for practising anything of your choice that is legal said Sam Pitroda.
Expressing his immense concern and worries over the nation being hung up on Ram Janmabhoomi and Ram temple issue Sam Pitroda, said these issues really bother me.
He said my wife is a very religious person , she has a small temple in the house whereas I am an atheist but I don’t interfere in her religious practice. That doesn’t mean that I should disagree with what my wife does. Who am I to do so said Pitroda ? Religion is very personal, don’t nationalise it he warned. Don’t use it to derive political capital out of it said Sam Pitroda. He concludes saying that PM is busy visiting temples, I would prefer visiting scientific institutions and libraries to elicit knowledge . But that’s my personal view. People should decide about their own attitudes as to how do they look to it.