The state capital of Uttarakhand, Dehradun is gradually becoming a crime capital with three youths having been shot yesterday evening at Raipur’s Dobhal Chowk creating tremendous panic in the entire area including its surroundings.
Just a few days back an influential builder Mr. Sahani has jumped from a skyscraper creating quite a sensitisation in the state capital with media making headlines and the two businessman on prive radar in Africa Gupta Brothers are behind the bars.
According to the latest news pouring in one of the shot out victims out of three has died on the spot whereas the injured two were found unconscious with alleged bullet wounds convalescing in Dehradun’s coronation hospital. There are reports that the one of the shot victims ran in desperation and fell in a drain dying there finally succumbing to the bullet shot bleeding profusely. The police were desperately in search of the youngster who was shot along with his parents but could be finally located in the drain, lying unconscious grievously injured today morning. The fight seems to be due to the interest on loan etc reveal some news reports. Initially the furious locals and the relatives of the victim refused to hand over the dead body to the police but after the intervention of the local MLA Umesh Kumar Kau they agreed to hand over the dead body to the police for completion of post-mortem and other legal formalities. According to the various news reports, one Ravi Dobhal, the deceased had lent his car to one Bharadwaj aka Ravi Badola living near Dobhal Chowk. Ravi Badola was reportedly asking Rs 4 Lakhs for this car but Bharadwaj has already finalised a deal for selling the car at Rs 3.5 lakhs. On hearing this angered Ravi Badola alongwith his two friends namely Subhash Kshetri and Manoj Negi started for the house of Bharadwaj to take back his car. In between someone gave Bharadwaj the information that Ravi Badola is coming alongwith his two friends to physically harm him. This led to Bharadwaj calling his friends and the moment Ravi Badola n his two friends came to fetch his car, Bharadwaj started firing on them resulting in two becoming unconscious and one running away with the bullet wound, grievously hurt , with the dead found found in the drain the other early morning, sending panic and shock waves all around . While according to the police Kshetri and Negi had been admitted in the coronation hospital, Dehradun , Ravi is believed to have been allegedly killed in the bullet shot. The police is reported to have arrested three including Bharadwaj sending them to jail after investigations andinterrogations.
According to Lasun Todariya , UKD youth leader A local person died after being shot at Dobhal Chowk in Dehradun. The outside mafia and criminals have become so dominant in Uttarakhand that they are not even hesitant to shoot at the natives. Uttarakhand, a peaceful land, is now becoming a land of criminals.