EGI condemns Israel attack destroying Associated Press n Al Jazeera offices. Demands UN monitored investigation

The editors Guild of India has strongly condemned the brazen airstrikes on a building in Gaza, Palestine by Israel defence forces that housed the editorial offices of Al Jazeera and Associated Press in the recent brutal attack.
In a press statement issued here by the President Seema Mustafa, general secretary Sanjay Kapoor and treasurer Ananth Nath, while strongly condemning the deadly air strikes by Israel, the Editors Guild of India has strongly urged the union government to take up the issue with the Israel government demanding an independent inquiry and reiterating the need for safety of journalists in any conflict situation.
The EGI press statement says that given the recent background of the escalating conflict in this region, the Editors Guild of India sees this as a defacto attack on news media by Israeli government, which can disrupt the flow of news from this highly volatile region and which has global security implications.
It demands that the Israeli government gives a detailed justification making behind this attack alongwith evidently proof.
The guild also calls for the Israel government to facilitate a United Nations monitored investigations into this bombing raids.
It may be recalled that the bombing raid on 15 th May demolished the 12 story building destroying much of the camera and editing equipment and severely affecting the news reporting and broadcasting capabilities of two organisations.
Besides the loss of hardware and office space, the bombing destroyed what was described as home by some journalists.
It may be recalled that thirty nine Palestenians including children have been killed in this Israeli brutal bombings and about two hundred injured.
The Israel government has said that it has lost ten people which included two children and an Army man as per the various news reports.
Pic: Free Press Journal