The leaders of one of the oldest organisations of the Sikh community, Kendriya Guru Singh Sabha has in strongest possible terms condemned the statement of BJP leader Ranvir Singh Bittoo branding the leader of the opposition Rahul Gandhi as the ” TERRORIST” over his statement given in Virginia while addressing the Indian diaspora the other day.

The leaders of the Kendriya Guru Singh Sabha were addressing a press conference on Wednesday at Press Club of India. One of the senior leaders of the Sabha also representing the Global Sikh Council Gurpreet Singh while strongly condemning the BJP leader for his remarks against LOP Rahul Gandhi said that the BJP has always been busy creating and spreading hate and division on communal lines and in Sikhism there is no place for any hate crime , division and sectarianism, believing in unity in diversity and for the good of the society with the sole aim to live and prosper in peace with religious sovereignty to all.

While strongly condemning the statement of BJP leader Ranveer Singh Bittoo he said : the BJP leader has no right to be called the Panthic Sikh as in Sikhism we have zero tolerance for threatening anyone, for hate speech and any type of bias to serve the vested political aims by defaming others on fabricated n concocted grounds.

Gurpreet Singh said we fully support Rahul Gandhi as he said nothing against the Sikhs.
Rahul said : The way religious hate is being spread conspiratorially there may be a time when the SIKHS could be refused entry in the GURUDWARAS.

He was obviously referring to the so called right wing Hindutva forces who don’t believe in the principle of unity in diversity.
Unfortunately the narrative being projected is that a Sikh is not allowed to wear a turban. This is absolutely wrong and we fully at heart support the statement of LOP Rahul Gandhi saying that we are a non political organisation nothing to do with BJP or Congress but in this particular issue we are with Rahul Gandhi tooth and nail said Gurpreet Singh of World Sikh Council also lauding the statement of Captain Amrinder Singh admonishing the statement against Rahul Gandhi issued by the BJP leader Ranveer Singh Sidhu.
Reiterating that the Sikhs believe in love, brotherhood, tolerance and unity Gurpreet Singh said that we fully support the statement of the LOP speaking for the Sikhs against right wing so called Hindu fundamentalists.
Pyare Lal Garg intellectual and former Registrar of Baba Farid Institution of Health Sciences said this is unfortunate that the minorities are being discriminated in our country. In some instances the Sikh Students wearing Kada, Turban and carrying small Kirpan are not being allowed to sit in exams or in transport.
He asked those who leaked the examination papers , were they wearing Kadaa, or carrying Kirpans vindicating that Sikh students have never given complaint of any kind to anyone ever. Then why this discrimination against them , he asked ?
He categorically said that in the name of religion and languages discrimination is being done. People are being misguided in the name of religion for narrow vested political interests said Pyarelal Garg adding that hate is being created within the society. He asked who will talk of humanity and stand with religious,racial and linguistic minorities and for safety of their fundamental rights as Rahul Gandhi said asked Pyarelal Garg.
Veteran journalist Jaspal Singh Sidhu in his address said that in Sikhism there is zero tolerance for any bias and we are guided by this creative force.
There are thirty million Sikhs in the World out of which seventy percent live in India. Out of this, 13% Sikhs are engaged and work for diaspora said Jaspal Singh researcher in US who flew to address this conference from US. Highlighting the plight of the Sikhs Jaspal Singh said that during the last two decades the hate crimes against the Sikhs increased manifold and none even the NGO came to our rescue.
They were the only civil rights organisations that supported us said Mr. Singh adding that we are supporting the statement of Rahul Gandhi not because of any party politics but because he spoke against the suppression of Sikhs.
Rahul Gandhi’s statement is being distorted said Jaspal Singh as he said that Sikhs have every right to wear Kada, Turban and carry Kirpan and if the present hate crimes in the name of religion is allowed to continue there is no doubt that in future there could be restriction to Sikhs to enter GURUDWARAS. While welcoming the statement of the Congress leader and LOP Rahul Gandhi Jaspal Singh said that Sikh identity is being targeted.
We wholeheartedly welcome Rahul Gandhi’s statement adding that anyone speaking for the religious minorities are welcome. He said we very much understand that vote bank politics distorts such statements pointing towards the saffron party leaders categorically.
On the question whether Guru Singh Sabha is in favour of Congress Gurpreet Singh of Global Sikh Council clarified that we are not Congress party’s supporters but are supporting the statement of the LOP out rightly.
We strongly condemn the registration of an FIR against Rahul Gandhi by some Sikh leaders supporting BJP reiterated Gurpreet Singh.
This is shameful and ridiculous said Mr. Singh further saying that FIR against Rahul Gandhi is unacceptable and strongly condemnable as Rahul’s statement was in the context of all religious freedoms and their safety and security to keep India United, Cohesive and Communally harmonious not particularly in favour of Sikh community.

He appealed to the BJP Sikh leaders to give rethinking over this issue and withdraw the FIR as this is the agenda of self oriented BJP Sikh leaders. Those who threaten like Ranvir Singh Bittoo, BJP leader, they are not Pant Sikh and in our religion such cheap tactics are not allowed and practised said Gurpreet Singh condemning in strongest words the statement of BITTO branding leader of Opposition Mr. Gandhi as a terrorist.
In a joint statement issued by Khushal Singh General Secretary Guru Singh Sabha and signed by Professor Sham Singh, President, Dr. Pyara Lal Garg, former registrar , Baba Farid University of Health Sciences, Senior journalist, Jaspal Singh Sidhu and Gurpreet Singh , Global Sikh Council and Rajvinder Singh Rahi, all associated with Kendriya Guru Singh Sabha , these leaders under the heading : Rahul Gandhi endorses Sikhs assertions for religious cultural freedom in India said that the central body of the Sikhs the Kendri Guru Singh Sabha has decided to support leader of the opposition Rahul Gandhi’s endorsement of Sikhs assertion that they and all other minorities , have unalienable right to adhere to and protect their religious, linguistic and cultural rights in free India. The statement added : We acknowledge Rahul Gandhi’s declaration at an Indians gathering in the USA that I did represented multiple ideas and rejected the ideology of RSS of oneness of Idea of India which has been serving as bedrock of the Hindutva ideology since the early 20 th century. Political leaders associated with the Kendriya Guru Singh Sabha are of an unambiguous opinion that Rahul Gandhi has opted for the right direction – so far missing in Indian politics when ch would certainly put halt to the ongoing politics of hate, comunalisation and targetting of minorities to the extent of lynching. The statement added that the Congress leader Rahul Gandhi has rightly identified the decade old distortions in Indian politics as caste hierarchy and religion – cultural conflicts which invariably manifested in violence and misgovernance.
The statement concluded that Rahul Gandhi’s special mention to Sikhs freedom to wear turban, and worship at GURUDWARAS isan open recognising and support of the Sikhs distinct religious and cultural identity. Upholding the Sikhs religious, cultural and religious rights Rahul Gandhi in away openly rejected and criticised his party’s policies towards Sikhs and Punjab in the 1980s. All the signatories to the statement concluded saying Kendri Guru Singh Sabha hopes that Rahul Gandhi will acknowledge the past with humility while committing to the constitutional values of inclusiveness and justice.