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Young entrepreneur settled in Japan commences apple farming in his village in Pauri Garhwal

While in Uttarakhand there had been tremendous migration from villages to cities and metropolises with the exodus statistics mounting high, especially after the state came into separate existence two decades ago, it has been visualised that after creating awareness on this burning issue by enlightened citizens and criticizing the powers that be for being intentionally ignorant towards improving the lot of its inhabitants, creating job opportunities, bringing revolutionary change in the health and education sector of the hilly — certain enlightened and enterprising young entrepreneurs settled abroad and in metropolises have repatriated to their ancestral villages and taken the cudgels of agricultural and horticulture farming in their own hands bringing revolution in their respective villages, independently, without seeking any financial support from the government. In a way it is a huge slap on the system of the state that has given no justice to its inhabitants during the last two decades compelling them to migrate for want of jobs, medical care n quality education of which they had been devoid since the last twenty years.

What the successive governments have not been able to do since the last two decades with 9 chief ministers ruling it, these highly enthusiastic enlightened entrepreneurs were able to do it, not only making their villages agriculturally prosper but also providing employment to the youths of the village through apple and vegetable farming.

To substantiate my point here is an inspiring story of my entrepreneur friend settled in Delhi and Japan, who finally made up his mind to settle in his native village Kaleshwar, Kwali in Pauri Garhwal, Uttarakhand with his fantastic orchards commenced just a year ago.

I would like to introduce a person recently turned from an international businessman ( living in japan ) to a farmer in Uttarakhand.
He was born in his village in Pauri, Garhwal Uttarakhand ( then in undivided Uttar Pradesh) and brought up in Delhi, finally settled down in Japan for business, even though he has been visiting his village frequently in Pauri Garhwal, Uttarakhand.

According to an entrepreneur turned enthusiastic apple farmer Ramesh Sharma, the Japanese apples are considered to be the best in the world and as such Sharma had deep interest and ambition of growing them in his ancestral village Kwalli in Pauri Garhwal district, Uttarakhand, a dream finally came true.

Last year in the end of June during lockdown when people were indoors, Ramesh formally decided to establish an apple orchard in his village thus becoming a trailblazer, encouraging you generation to become economically strong and viable.

Though this orchard doesn’t posses the Japanese variety as he wished earlier, but he feels fortunate that the Almighty have accorded him an opportunity to at least fertile the barren step fields of his ancestors by establishing this apple orchard.

Encouraged by a saying : WHERE THERE IS A WILL, THERE IS A WAY”, sincere n dedicated Sharma says :

Before establishing the orchard , he requested and invited his friend Dr. Nainwal , who is PHD in Agriculture/ Horticulture from Pant Nagar University- Uttarakhand to check the land and area for funding the possibilities of Apple farming.

On his approval and necessary guidelines Ramesh lost no time to commence the venture.
Sundriyal ( Ramesh Sharma) took the initiative of two organic apple orchards of 250 plants each and one orchard presented to a villager Himanshu to generate self employment for his earnings.
Hard lucked Himanshu lost his father recently. Hence after graduating from class 12th he was desperately in search of a job as he has to take care of his mother and younger brother, solely depending on his earnings.

Large hearted Ramesh offered an Orchard farm in order to make him financially self reliant to support his family who lost their sole bread earner.

Now Himanshu is independent and after seeing the growth of Himanshu’s orchard, other villagers especially the neighbouring village inhabitants are also showing deep interest to start the same business.

Since this is just first year and a pilot project but he is still expecting minimum 600 to 700 Kgs apples from each orchard of 250 plants in July/ August this year days Sharma.

Definitely a satisfying source of income for a young dedicated boy having lost his father who was the only source of Income, leaving the anguished family in financial jeopardy.

Entrepreneur turned apple farmer Ramesh Sharma is today jubilant to motivate youngsters for efficient agriculture and apple farming in Uttarakhand.

Highly encouraged and satisfied Ramesh says that has international network and would like to connect these young farmers to sell their product in the international market in near future to make them earn in dollars and Yen.

Sundriyal ( Ramesh Sharma) is blessed that he doesn’t require lot of workers for his farm as using technology of drip irrigation which is taken care by his nearly 80 years old parents and widowed Chachi ji has been of immense help.
( He is happy to engage his own family in this venture ).
Simultaneously he is proud that he could provide part time employment to few villagers to maintain the orchard as well.

Inspired by renowned social activist and chief of Walnut mission K. C. Pandey Ramesh Sharma added that whenever he confronted any hurdle during the project Mr. Pandey encouraged him to the hilt and advised not to loose hope, supporting him, giving valuable technical tips.

It may be recalled that village Kwalli is around 29 Kms away from main Pauri main market near the village of NSA Gheedi.
The height of the village is approximately 1400 metres from sea level.

While, the efforts of Ramesh Sharma deserve all commendations, my another enterprising builder turned farmer friend, having been credited for recording his name in Guiness book of World records for growing the tallest Coriander plant in the world, Gopal Upreti had also established orchards in hundreds of acres of land in Kumaon division more than three years ago, employing several local youngsters making them economically self reliant n prosperous. He is also encouraging youngsters to shift to farming in Uttarakhand guiding them with latest techniques and financial options and support from the Uttarakhand government as well. Upreti is a self made entrepreneur with his roots in Uttarakhand , extremely well versed with latest agricultural technology n know how proving to be an invaluable asset for the hilly state with the then CM Uttarakhand personally congratulating him for his outstanding achievement in the apple farming sector and becoming the first international achiever to grow the tallest Coriander plant in the world measuring 7.1 feet.

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  1. Thanks for sharing the excellent and well motivated article Sunil jee. Regards 🙏🙏😊
    This thank u message is from Rajendra Singhji, former Chief Indian Coast Guard in my WhatsApp

  2. Thanks for sharing the excellent and well motivated article Sunil jee. Regards 🙏🙏😊
    This thank u message is from Rajendra Singhji, former Chief Indian Coast Guard in my WhatsApp
    Sunil Negi

  3. This is a very nice story which has brought a developmental effort by a young man in Uttarakhand where our forefathers have been toiling to bring in best farming result to self sustain their livelihood
    We can do wonders if we follow the foot steps of our predictors

    1. Thanks a lot Prema Kala ji.
      I’m happy to hear your opinion.
      It’s my pleasure to do something in my state Uttrakhand.
      It’s a small initiative.
      Shall work hard more.
      Ramesh Sharma

  4. Apple farming should be encourged in Garhwal Region.
    Mr Ramesh Sharma is a source of inspiration for all youth to come forward for apple farming as the climate and soil conditions are suitable for nurturing apple plantation.
    I salute Mr Sharma who has developed the apple orchard in his village. He is a trailblazer and this will encourage generations to become econmically strong. I wish him the very best.

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