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Delhi news

Women wrestlers wading their medals in river Ganges at Haridwar at 6.00 PM

The protesting wrestlers at Jantar Mantar, New Delhi especially women wrestlers for the last 38 days who’d been forcibly ousted from their Dharna, precincts with their tents uprooted by police including arresting them on 28 th May and lodging FIR against them for rioting and on other severe charges are today wading their medals won in various international competitions bringing laurels to the nation, into the Ganges at Holy town Haridwar.

The protesting wrestlers were not only allegedly roughed up by the police but forcibly arrested under various charges while peacefully trying to march at new parliament House to meet the prime minister to air their grievances which include immediate ouster of WFI chairman Brijbhushan Sharan Singh and punitive stringent legal action against him for sexually harrassing the women wrestlers.

Though the FIR has already be filed against him after much struggle of the wrestlers but no legal action has been taken regarding his arrest as demanded by the protesting wrestlers.

Instead they had been arrested under various wrong charges say furious wrestlers.

In a two and a half page post the wrestlers wrote in Hindi as below : Whatever happened on 28 th May have been witnessed by one and all. The police have arrested us using barbaric tactics. Behaving badly. We were protesting peacefully. The police have destroyed our arrangements at protest precincts forcefully destroying our tents etc and lodged FIR under serious sections.

Has the women wrestlers by demanding justice for the sexual assault done against them, seeking justice, committed a crime ? The police and the administration is behaving with them like criminals whereas others ridiculing us in the open. On television news – talks of changing the POSCO act is taking place.

We the women wrestlers are so demoralised that nothing has been left for us in this country. We are memorizing the moments when we’d won medals for the nation in World Championship competitions and Olympics.

Now we are feeling as to why had we won the medals? Had we won them with a pre knowledge of acknowledging such a shabby and shameful behaviour from the administration we wouldn’t have won them. First drag us and then make us criminals?

Yesterday several Women Wrestlers were compelled to clandestinely take refuge in the fields . The administration should have arrested the perpetrator than us. But unfortunately it is hell bent upon uprooting the protesting wrestlers from their Dharna site, make them fearful and issue threats.

Now we have come to the conclusion that there is no use of decorating these medals around our necks. We don’t want to return back these medals but what is the use to get our self respect killed.

We thought as to whom should we return these medals, to our Rashtrapatiji, who is herself a woman. But our mind rejected to return her as she is just sitting two kilometres away but didn’t uttered a word ?

Then we thought of returning them to our prime minister, but changed the idea because the prime minister has not taken any note of the daughters of the family.

Instead our perpetrator was invited at the inaugural function of the parliament who was wearing bright white attire and busy getting photos clicked. His whiteness n brightness was ridiculing us as if saying proudly that he is an important ingredient of the system.

Where is the place for daughters of the country in this fluorescent system ? Are we just confined to being a slogan or agenda of the government ?

Now we don’t want these medals and we are no more interested to get ourselves publicised becoming the ” MUKHAUTA ” . This fluorescent system through our medals does its own publicity and then exploits us. And when we gather courage to speak against this victimisation , preparations are made to put us in jail.

We are doing to wade these medals in the Ganges . This is our pious mother Ganges. It is with the same pious intention that we had brought the medals for the nation. These medals achieved after tremendous efforts and dedication are pious for every countrymen and therefore we have taken a decision to wade them in pious Ganges as Ganga Maa is the relevant place for them.

Medal is our life, our soul. After sailing them to the Ganges, there is no point of our being alive. Therefore, we will sit on fast unto death at India Gate. India Gate is the place which has been dedicated to the freedom fighters, revolutionaries and those who’d given sacrifice for the nation. Though we are not as pious as our brave soldiers and freedom fighters who’d sacrificed their lives for the country, but our feelings while winning these medals was also like them. Unholy system/ administration is doing its work and we are doing ours. Now people will have to think whether they are with the daughters like us or with those who are victimising us.

We will wade these medals in the Ganges at 6.00 PM.

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