Woman in Naugaonkhal, Panthri Gram Sabha, Chowbattakhal area injured by a maneater who bravely fought with her sickle making it run in desperation !

Four dreaded man eater leopards are these days extremely active in Chowbattakhal- Naugaonkhal range of Pairing Garhwal posing direct threat to the local inhabitants compelling them to remain indoors especially during n after evening hours. The parents have stopped sending their children to schools. The forest department have fixed iron cages at some locations but failed in trapping these maneaters who are on prowl for human flesh. On Monday, today a village woman of Panthri village, at Chowbattakhal was attacked by a maneater when she went to the nearby forest to get fodder for domestic animals. The brave women was attacked on the face who courageously fought with the maneater countering it with her sickle used to cut grass. She bravely fought the maneater and tried to attack it by sickle, finally compelling it to ran away. However, she was injured on the face with the man eater’s paw n nails marks. Some women today were cutting grass at Panthri Village land n gossipping when suddenly a maneater pounced on them injuring on of the woman on the face who fought with him courageously using the sickle to counter the attack. The other women shouted n ran away. In the melee the maneater ran away in desperation attacking the woman on the face n left eye, brutally. There is panic all around and the local residents of Naugaonkhal, Choubattakhal n nearby villages are living in terror of these man eater’s who are freely moving around on prowl fir human flesh. In Nainidaana Block of Pairing Garhwal too the man eater’s are quite active with several tragedies of human kills taking place in the recent past.