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The protagonists and supporters of protection of Cow and to accord it the status of ” Rashtra Mata”, as promised by the saffron party in its election manifesto and assured by its top leadership umpteen times, are thronging to the Ram Lila grounds on 20 th November to demand in one voice “National Mother stature” to cow mother by bringing a bill in Parliament.

The four Shankaracharyas are also joining this massive peaceful protest rally at Ram Lila Grounds who will back this demand wholeheartedly and chalk out the course of action for future protests if the central government doesn’t pay any heed to this long pending genuine demand.

This was announced by the leader of the national movement for providing “Rashtra Mata” status to cow, Gopal Mani in order to put a complete halt to the cow slaughter practices in the country.

He was addressing a press conference at Press Club of India on Friday.

This will be the fourth rally at Ram Lila Grounds convened by Gopal Mani, who has been relentlessly struggling for the last several decades at the pan India level.

Speaking to journalists Gopal Mani said that despite sending several requests to prime minister Narendra Modiji for granting appointment to discuss this important issue their request was never accepted but they will continue to seek appointment to ensure that this pivotal demand is fulfilled in the near future for which they are quite optimistic.

Gopal Mani said that he along with his supporters had been to more than 650 districts of the country and almost all the states to mobilise people across spectrum to back this genuine demand to accord Rashtra Mata status to Mother Cow and he expects thousands of people at RAM LILA, grounds on 20 th November to add their voice to their long pending demand.

Thanking the governments of Uttarakhand and Himachal Pradesh for already passing a single line resolution of requesting the central government to grant “Rashtra Mata” status to Mother cow officially, the leader of the movement Gopal Mani said that other states of the country will also follow suit in future.

Emphasising that their demand has nothing to do with politics and this being exclusively a religious demand Gopal Mani said that irrespective of any ideological considerations or affiliations they have written to all party leaders and states to support their protracted demand and join their struggle participating on 20 th November rally at Ramlila, Grounds on 20 th November.

On the question whether they intend to meet the prime minister in this regard in future Gopal Mani replied in affirmation but said that despite their requests in this regard several times, they have not been given audience or appointment.

He categorically said that since Cow has a special reference, relevance and reverence in Hindu religion and all the Vedas, Ramayana, Geeta and religious scriptures, granting of National Mother stature to COW is utmostly essential rather inevitable as the sentiments of the majority community is attached to it.

He added we respect all religions but the majority community should have its say in the context of granting National mother status to cow as the emotions and sentiments of billions of the people are attached to “Gaumata”, who is highly revered, worshipped and spiritually relevant in Hindu religion granted the stature of “Goddess” as their most respected symbol including its mention in all the ancient religious scriptures of the majority community.

While expressing his gracious thanks to the Uttarakhand and Himachal governments for passing a single line resolution recommending ti the center supporting the demand for granting the Rashtramata status to Cow Gopal Mani said that even an MLA from left party has supported their demand voting in favour of this resolution in HP assembly.

The MLA from Tehri Garhwal Kishore Upadhyay said that he had been in wholehearted support of this demand even when he was in Congress party and MLA. He appealed to the people to join the rally called by Gopal Maniji in Ramlila Grounds on 20 November.

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